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Looking at Donald is literally driving me crazy, he is indeed an attractive male specimen, judging from his face down to his neck and then to his chest, and his chest appears to be in good condition, but the redness in his eyes catches my attention, and I can only come to two conclusions: lack of sleep, or him tearing up at some point.

"Have you slept in a couple of days?" I inquire of Donald, who appears to be exhausted.

"I wish I had," he says as he closes the file in his hand and looks up at me.

"You know, the reason for this case has changed for me." He says, scratching his brow with a pen.

"Can you explain?" I further inquire of him, smiling he sets the file that he was once holding aside.

“You’re sure to win this case, so no fear there” he concludes. “But as a lawyer, I have been called to stop injustice, and the more I dig up stuff, the more I smell something fishy, and I fear that this whole thing might involve someone who is dear to me” I nod my head to what he is saying still confused out of my mind.

“I trust you, my lawyer friend,” I say. He stands up from his chair and moves close to the window. Would have wished it had a magnificent view. But no, and I can guess it’s all because of the structure of the building, it’s not high enough.

“I used to hate blacks, I don’t know if I still do but I know I just had this bone of contention to pick with them” he sighs, and then adds a little chuckle. “But then I noticed just a few hours back after I took your advice and looked into that lady. That I really did not hate, you, I just threw my hate for someone else at you”

he takes in a deep breath. He turns slowly as if realizing something.

“But speaking of which, You do have a reason to hate whites don’t you?, I mean considering all you have been going through and such”. I am about to nod my head yes when he adds “I am so sorry, for treating you the way I did, I do not know if I will ever be able to right my wrongs later in the future but I just want you to know that I do not normally behave the way I have been doing with you, I was just filled with hatred, I still am but I guess I understand a little bit better now”

"I thought I told you that we were friends now?, I mean it, I mean what good will it do me if I was to have you as my enemy?" I respond, eliciting a smirk from him.
“I hope we get to help each other along the way, oh and yes I also want you to know that my fiancée does not usually behave that way, she’s a good person” I clear my throat once he makes the sentence.

“Can we not bite more than we can chew; I have forgiven you, but Nora?” I pause, he seems to get where I am coming from because he nods in response.

“Nora has been my bully since we were kids, so don’t blame me if I find it so hard to see her as good” Donald nods again and walks towards his chair to take a seat.


“For someone as petite as you, I have to say that you do have a strong side attached to your very being” from where I am sitting, I can tell he is feeling sleepy. Donald and I have been talking about me and how I cope with the situations around me, hence the last comment. Due to the direction of the conversation Donald had come to take a seat beside me, I look towards his direction when I notice he had gone awfully quiet and I notice that His head that he had placed on top of his right hand for support had begun sliding off of his hand, I watch silently as his eyes closes and his breathing becomes shallow. I stand and walk closer to him and give him a nudge, his eyes open slowly, giving me a peek of those gorgeous irises of his, and I keep looking at his pair of irises till he calls my attention.

“What are you looking at?” he asks making me stand straight in fear that I had been caught.

"I adore your irises; they are common but stunning." I say   "Wow," he says slowly. "You are far too direct for your own good."
He stands up and walks over to his table, muttering something about how mine appears to be the same.

HIS BROWN SKIN GIRL| (EDITED VERSION)✔Where stories live. Discover now