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The main officeis empty today,
so I have to get the coffeepot going and play host to a
guest without any assistance.

Usually, this office has at least two or three people working when prospective clients
come in.

That not only keeps us safe
from aggressive or unfriendly outsiders but it also ensures we can put the best face forward
for the colony without any one person carrying too much of
the burden.

I've talked to Kai but he just conceived for a family he's worked with in the past, so
he's not available for Jungkook.

There is one omega who is
free but his track record for producing alphas isn't great.

In Jih's past four pregnancies, only one was an alpha.

He's currently raising two
of the omegas on his own
and one was accepted by
the adopting family.

That's not always the case.

We always make it very clear
to prospective parents that we can't guarantee an alpha.

Some of us have better
luck than others but it's still
just luck.

And at the end of the day,
what we get is what we get.

Which is why I choose my
clients carefully and why I'm
not interested in accepting
the job myself.

As much as I like the bragging rights that come with producing alphas, I know the stats
aren't on my side anymore.

I'm three for three, which
means the chances of me producing another alpha are slim.

And with a new job and a
move to a new colony on the immediate horizon, toting a
baby across the country is
not in my plan.

When the loud rumble of a souped-up sports car gets my attention, I take a deep breath and rehearse the speech I've been reciting in my head all morning.

The basic gist of it is "thanks,
but no thanks."

I need to be strong and not let myself get swayed by money.

There are a lot of things more important than money and
those are what matter to me.

I'm looking out the back window with my arms crossed over my chest when the front door opens and the presence of someone standing right behind me becomes overwhelming.

Taking a deep breath, I drop
my arms and turn to face him.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin."

"May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Jeon Jungkook."

"I believe we have an appointment." His thick busan
accent takes me by surprise.

"Right, hi."

I clear my voice, trying to
keep calm so I don't show
any outward signs of
attraction to this man.

"Have a seat."

Jungkook's gaze is heavy on
me as he lowers into a chair
on the opposite side of the
small conference table and
waits for me to join him.

I start to walk toward him in
a daze but then catch myself
and double back for Jih's file.

I'm definitely gonna need it.

"I'm sorry no one else is here today, We're actually closed
on the weekends."

Jungkook doesn't seem the
least bit concerned by the
lack of staff.

✨WORTH KEEPING ✨ || JIKOOKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang