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I knew this was too good
to be true.

From day one, I had a bad feeling about agreeing to
take this job.

But I let myself get blinded
by money and now I'm not
only going to break the
heart of the only alpha I've
ever cared about but I'm
going to be stuck with a
baby as an unmated omega.

Just like my dad.

Just like I swore I'd never do.

Hopefully, Cory and Kevin
are still open-minded about adoption.

That's looking a lot more
likely by the minute.

Of course, there's always a chance Jungkook will change
his mind but that seems

Especially since he hasn't mentioned a word about
what the doctor said since
we left the office.

I'm not sure if he's in shock
or denial or both but we
drove home in silence and
have been avoiding each
other all afternoon.

When the aromas of
homemade pasta are too tempting to ignore, I head
into the kitchen for dinner.

There's only one place setting
at the table when I sit down
and I know what that means.

Jungkook told the chef he wouldn't be eating with
me tonight.

He probably won't eat
with me ever again.

The chef looks up at me
with knowing eyes.

I wonder what he knows...

"Are you ready to be
served, sir?"

I nod wordlessly and slide
into my chair, my appetite suddenly gone.

"Just a little."

"I'm not very hungry

* * *

Over the next few days, he
Continues to avoid me, not
even bothering to say good
night anymore.

As much as I try to ignore
him and his ignorance about
the value and importance
of all people alpha, beta or omega I just can't get out
of my funk.

So when he marches into
the dining room looking
furious, I cower in fear, not
sure what has him so upset.

"You aren't eating?" His
nostrils flare and his jaw is


"I am." I push a sprig of
broccoli around with my fork.

"I'm fine."

He holds up a journal of
some kind and pounds it with
his finger.

"This is not fine."

"You're legally bound to
take care of my child until
he's weaned or tests as an omega."

"That's the deal."

"So whether you like it or
not, you will fucking eat what
is put in front of you and
you'll take care of yourself like it's your own baby in there."

I stand up and toss my
napkin onto the table.

"He is my own, asshole."

"Just because you're a bigot
who only wants a baby if he's what you consider to be
superior to everyone else
doesn't mean I feel the
same way."

"Then what's your problem?"

He opens the notebook in
his hand and starts reading
off a list.

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