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Thank god for my sister.

We haven't always been best friends but she's come through for me in a way I never
expected through this whole process with Jungkook.

When I see her car waiting at
the end of the driveway, I send
a silent prayer of thanks that I don't have to stand out here
like an idiot for any longer
than necessary.

"Thanks." I drop my bag on
the floor by my feet and climb inside her car.

"I really appreciate this."

"Don't even mention it." She reaches across the console
and pats my arm.

"We'll get through this

"I guess."

Honestly, I'm not sure I'll be
able to co-parent with my
sister and her husband when
the baby will always remind
me of him and the feelings
I was developing for him.

I don't know when it started
but from the minute I met him,
I knew there was something different about him.

Maybe it was a premonition
that he'd be the father of the baby I'd have to keep.

Or maybe it was something

But whatever it was, it's
gone now.

Not my feelings but the
fantasy that he felt the
same connection to me
that I felt for him.

"So, are you hungry? I was thinking of grabbing sand-
wiches before heading home."

Lisa turns onto the main
street with a hundred shops
and restaurants.

"But anything sounds
good to me."

I still don't have much of an appetite, probably less so than
I did earlier but I will force myself to eat something.

I've heard of omegas getting osteoporosis from not taking
care of themselves while pregnant and I won't let
that happen to me.

"Sandwiches sound good to
me, I need the carbs."

* * *

Living with Lisa and Hobi has made the time pass by quickly.

She has several projects going on on the property, so my days are full of organizing and selecting paint chips and shopping for fixtures.

And at night, I'm so exhausted that I just pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

My third appointment with
the doctor is better than the previous two because I've
gained ten pounds and I'm
on track for a much easier delivery.

I also feel some of my energy coming back now that most of the baby's development is done and he's just growing and
getting bigger inside me.

I'm also starting to seriously consider what happens after
the baby is born.

Lisa and hobi will be great parents and they have the
means to support him in a
way that I could never
compete with.

But as we get closer to my
due date, reality is starting
to set in.

And I'm just not sure I can
leave my baby.

Standing in front of the
mirror, I cup my extended
belly and rub it gently.

"Hey, little guy."

"You nice and comfy in

My lips curl into a smile when
I feel a kick against my palm.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He's been a lot more active lately.

Thankfully, it's mostly during
the day when I'm up and
active too.

At night, he's usually calm enough not to keep me up
but I know that won't be the case for much longer.

* * *

My bladder is full but my
mouth is dry.

This is my constant dilemma.

I'm always thirsty and so I
have to constantly pee.

It takes a minute for me to heave my ass out of bed but I finally get up on my feet and waddle to the bathroom.

After that, I head downstairs
for a glass of water.

I always take a bottle up to
bed with me but I finished
that hours ago.

There are art lights that line
the winding staircase to
provide enough illumination
as I slowly work my way
down the steps but before I
get halfway down.

My stomach cramps and I
lunge forward, losing my
balance and tumbling the
rest the way down the stairs.

The ground comes at me hard
and I bang my head against
the marble floor of the foyer.

I want to call out to Lisa for
help but nothing works.

My eyes are heavy, my mouth won't open and I can't move
any part of my body.

Am I paralyzed?

Am I dying?

Is my baby okay?

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