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I must still be dreaming
because this can't be real.

Maybe this is what a coma
is like.

You feel like you're participating in life but you're actually just lying immobile as the world
goes on around you.

That's the explanation for
Jungkook's presence and
his crazy declarations.

I just hope I'm not coma-
talking with Lisa and hobi
in the room.

"Jimin, are you awake?"

"Hmm?" I turn toward the
sound of an unfamiliar voice
and open my eyes.


"I'm Dr. Red but everyone
calls me by my first name, Casper."

"I've been taking care of
you for the past few days."

"Days?" I look around the
room and see Lisa clutching
a magazine to her chest.

"How many days?"

"Just three."

The doctor presses his cool fingers to my wrist and holds
my arm up for a few seconds.

"Not too long."

As soon as my hand is free,
I reach for my belly.

"Is my baby okay?"

Lisa smiles and nods before I glance back at the young omega doctor pushing buttons on a keyboard next to my bed.

"He's doing much better."

The doctor pulls the stethoscope from around his neck and rests
it against my exposed belly.

"He was distressed for the
first twenty-four hours but
he's settled down now and
if he really wants out, we
should be fine to do a
C-section at this point."

"He's pretty well baked
by now."

The doctor winks at the old-fashioned reference.

It's especially strange coming from such a young man.

"Thank you."

I turn back to my sister.

"You've been here the
whole time?"

"Of course." She gets up
and rushes to give me an awkward hug.

"Jungkook has too."

"He just ran downstairs for something to eat but he'll
be right back."

"Wait, what?" I pull back
from her to see if she's
messing with me.

"Jungkook has been here?"


She furrows her brows and
gives me a small smile.

"You don't remember
your talk with him?"

"I remember a talk with

I rub my belly and wonder if
it could have all been real.

"But I thought it was a

"He was all lovey and stuff."

Lisa laughs and pulls me
into another hug.

"It was real."

"I heard it myself." She pulls back with a guilty grin.

"I was walking in when I
heard his little speech."

"I couldn't help overhearing."

"So, he really wants us?" I whisper the words, daring to
say them out loud for the
first time.

Just then, the door opens
and Jungkook walks inside
with a clear container of food.

When he sees that I'm
awake, he puts it on the
counter and rushes to my side.

"Hey, little one."

"Are you fully awake
this time?"

I try to calm my racing
heart as I nod.

"I think so."

Jungkook leans down and brushes a kiss over my lips.

"And you remember how much
I love you and our baby?"

A chill runs down my spine
as I hear him say the words again.


"Good." He pulls up a chair
and settles in beside me.

"Then you won't mind if I
stick around for a while?"

I just shake my head, unable
to take my eyes off him.

At least until I feel a gush
of fluid flowing from between
my legs.

"Oh, shit."

"My water just broke."

* * *

I've always delivered naturally but because of the trauma
my body has recently been
through, Dr. Red, insists on
a surgical delivery.

I don't have the strength to argue, so I focus on happy memories as Jungkook holds
my hand and the hospital staff flutters around the room, doing whatever they need to do to
get my baby safely out of me.

Ignoring the noises of a
surgical room isn't easy but
when I finally hear the sweet sound of a baby's cry, I
know the worst is over.

"Here you go, Dad." A nurse hands my son to me all
wrapped up in a blanket.

"You were great."

My arms instinctively reach
for my son, knowing for the
first time ever that he's mine
to keep.

"Hey, sweet boy."

Jungkook's thick arm slides behind my back, holding me upright so we can both get a good look at our baby.

"He's perfect."

"He is."

I nuzzle the baby's soft
head and drop a kiss there.

"And you still want us?"

The regret and shame on his
face are obvious before he presses his forehead to mine.


"I'm so sorry I let you down
little one but I promise to
never disappoint you again."

"I love you and I love our

He proves his words by kissing my lips then pressing a soft
kiss to the baby's head.

"What should we name him?"

I haven't really thought of
names because I was trying
not to get attached.

"I was thinking of

He looks at me with a
raised eyebrow.

"Do you like that?"

After a minute of rolling
the name around in my
head, I nod.

"I love it, Park Jungmin
has a nice ring to it."

Jungkook growls, causing
more than a few heads in
the room to turn.

"Jeon Park Jungmin."

"My boy will carry my

The possessiveness in
Jungkook's words brings
a smile to my face.

"Yes, he will."

Jungkook nods definitively,
as if the topic is closed for discussion.

"And Alpha?"

He looks back at me, running
his fingers through my hair.

"Yes, little one."

"I love you too."

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