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Joon will probably give me
shit for going so high but
this is about more than a business deal.

This is about having the best possible omega to bear my
child and from what I can
tell, Jimin is one of the best.

Not only are his dark hair and sea-blue eyes the perfect complement to his tanned
skin but his soft features
make him absolutely stunning.

It's easy to see why he's been
a popular sire for past litters.

And Jimin's concern about
not producing an alpha
seems unfounded.

My swimmers must be at least
as strong as those from his past clients, so there's no chance
my firstborn will be an omega.

The biggest question is how many will be in the litter.

Joon only had two and
they've decided not to test
the babies until they're older.

But some litters can have
four or six babies at once.

Hopefully, my strongest will
get through but only one or

I'm not sure I'm ready to
raise multiples on my own.

As it is, I'll need a full-time nanny to care for the child but
no price is too high for my heir.

I want the best and the
brightest and I'm confident
that's exactly what Jimin
will give me.

"When is your next heat

Jimin's cheeks pink up, giving
his sun-kissed skin an even
more beautiful glow.

"I'm on suppressants so it'll
take a week or two for those
to get out of my system and then..."

His chin tucks against his
chest as he fidgets with a
pen in his hands.

"Well if we spend some time together, I think my heat
will come on pretty quickly."


I can't hold back my smirk, knowing exactly what that means. He's into me.

He may not be comfortable admitting it but Jimin wants

"Plan to bring your things to
my place up town next week."

"I'll make sure you have everything you need for the duration of your stay."

He sighs heavily then
looks up at me.

"Are you sure about this? I
really don't think I can give
you an alpha. I don't want
you to be disappointed."

I shake my head and place
my palm against the side of
his head.

"Don't worry about that,
little one."

"I know you won't disappoint."

Without another word, I toss
my business card on the
table and walk out.

Now that the business aspect
is complete, I'm looking
forward to getting started.

Knotting Jimin's blushing
ass will be fun.

And something tells me he's
not nearly as shy in bed as
he is in business settings.

Soon enough, I'll know for

* * *

The first thing I do when I
get home is call in Ash, my decorator.

He has been begging to get
his hands on this place since
I bought it three months ago
but I wasn't sure how much
time I'd be spending here so
I haven't bothered.

But now that I'll have a live-in guest for the next several months or longer if Jimin is willing to nurse for a full year before weaning, I want to
make this place feel like a

I also need a nursery set up
in the bedroom attached to
the guest room with a
Jack-and-Jill bathroom.

That will be the perfect
location for Jimin while he's staying with me and the
nanny after he moves out.

As much as I'm looking
forward to playing an active
role in raising my children,
I know my limitations and functioning without sleep is
one of them.

Smelling shitty diapers
without vomiting is another.

That's where a reliable nanny
will be crucial for the success
of my new family.

My family.

It's the first time I've really
used that term to describe
the life I'll have in just a few months but that's really what
I'm creating here.

Of course, it won't be a
complete family without a
mate to help me raise my children.

But I can always find a mate.

Hell, half the guys I've dated
in the past few years have expressed interest in the position.

I just haven't been

But maybe after I spend some time getting to know my children, I'll have a better
idea of the kind of mate I

Right now, all I can think
about is burying my cock
deep inside Jimin's tight ass.

He gave me a packet of information for new clients
and the first instruction in big bold letters was not to knot anyone for at least ten days
prior to the first attempt at conception.

Supposedly, alpha sperm are usually the first ones out.

Therefore, if I release all my alphas prior to knotting,
chances of conceiving an
omega go up exponentially.

I'm not really worried about
the ability of my balls to
produce more than enough
alpha sperm to do the job
but it seems like an
unnecessary risk to take.

I'm not exactly superstitious
but getting off isn't that important.

I can go a week or two with
out an orgasm, It won't be
fun but that will just make
my first time with Jimin
even more satisfying.

And I can already imagine
how satisfying it will be.

He has the perfect bubble
butt for me to bounce off of
as I pound into his warm channel, delivering my seed
into his womb so he can
grow my young.

Fuck, thinking like this isn't
going to help me keep my swimmers intact.

I need a distraction, Some
thing productive but not sexy.

Glancing out the large
windows that make up the
back wall of my ranch home,
I realize what I need to do

A rowan tree.

I need a rowan tree.

My next call is to a local gardening center to have a mature rowan tree delivered.

The gardeners will need to
plant it in the yard where it
will get plenty of sunlight
and water so it will thrive as
part of the home I'm trying
to build.

The tea seeped from the berries is important to the health of unborn babes and if it was
good enough for my mom in Busan all those years ago,
it's good enough for Jimin
while he's carrying my pup.

When my mind continues to wander to the fun I'm gonna have when Jimin is in heat
and I finally get to fuck him,
I know I need a more
physical distraction than
I'm allowed right now.

So instead of trying to deny
the wolf inside me, I shift
forms and head out back
to go for a run.

My property backs up to a
large park that feeds into
the woods.

It's not a long trail but it's enough for me to stretch my
legs and my lungs while my
wolf gets some pent-up
energy out too.

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