Epilogue. (M) 🔞

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"What do you think?"

"I think I can't believe you're
the one bringing a baby to
the meeting this time."

Joon smiles at Jungmin, who
is nestled on my shoulder.

He fell asleep somewhere between talks of the updated property Joon and I are looking to buy and the shift to a new business line his brother
wants us to get in on.

"Not that." I say with a

"Although it's weird for me
too but I wouldn't change it
for the world."

"Well, I approve of both..."

"The baby and the purchase."


"I'll have my lawyer draw
up some papers for us to
present to the seller and
we can go from there."

"Sounds good to me."

He slips his hands into
his pockets.

"So, how have things been?"

"You and Jimin still going

"Yeah." I take a moment to contemplate the words I feel
in my heart.

"We're great."

"He's great but damn, never
in a million years did I think
I would fall for someone like
him, you know?"

"You mean, a good-looking omega who practically
worships the ground you
walk on?"

I let out a hearty laugh.

"Yes and no, Although I think
it's the other way around."

"He's been the best thing
for me and the fact that he
gave me Jungmin, is amazing beyond anything I could
have dreamed."

"I still pinch myself, wondering
if this family we've created
so quickly is even real."

Joon quirks an eyebrow as
he studies me.

"Family, huh?" He shakes his head with a grin.

"Man, I never thought I'd
see the day when you'd be settled down with someone,
let alone starting a family."

He's absolutely right.

I'm just as surprised as he

"Well, believe it or not."

"It's true."

Joon claps a hand on my
free shoulder and then
gently places his other
one on Min's back.

"It looks good on you,
man... Really good."

And I feel it too.

Despite the two paths that brought Jimin and me
together, I honestly feel
like our future is one and
the same.

I hope Jimin feels the
same way.

"Alright, I should get this little guy home." Min stirs, as if he knows I'm talking about him.

"I'll get those papers to you
this week."


"Just send them over

He gives my shoulder another squeeze before I head out to
my car and place Min in his
car seat.

As soon as I pull out of the driveway, my heart begins to flutter with the thought of
seeing my omega again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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