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It usually takes a few days before a pregnancy test will come up positive but I don't
even need a test.

I can feel the changes
happening in my body already.

It's been less than twenty-four hours but I know myself well enough to know what's happening.

I'm pregnant.

I've carried for a wolf shifter once before, so I know every thing happens much faster
but not usually this fast.

The gestation period is only
four months instead of the typical nine with humans.

And within one month of conception, the doctor can determine the sex and look
for any anomalies.

Fortunately, birth defects
are rare among shifters.

Their biology self-heals,
ensuring they're always at
the top of the food chain even
from the point of conception.

But that doesn't mean the wolf I'm carrying will be an alpha.

It could be a beta or an omega.

Hell, it could even be a girl.

I think Jungkook would keep
a female alpha but I really
don't know with him.

One minute he's soft and
gentle, kissing me tenderly.

The next, he's demanding
and rough, railing into me
like he's trying to win a race.

Regardless, I'm here for the duration so I might as well
make the most of it.

After my shower, I wander
down the hallway in search
of food.

I'm hungry and my body is
still weak from the marathon
sex I've had since arriving yesterday.

"Ready for lunch?" Jungkook asks when I finally find the kitchen.

"Yes, please." I place my
hand over my lower abdomen and rub it.

"I'm starving."

Jungkook's eyes track my movements and I can see
hope flare in them.

"How about chicken salad
and grilled cheese?"

"That sounds great." I take a seat at the island where he is cooking on the opposite side.

"You like to cook?"

"Like isn't the right word
but I do cook a lot."

He finishes slicing up a
chicken breast then slides the strips onto a bed of lettuce.

"I hire a chef when I'm entertaining but when it's
just me, there's no reason to."

He definitely looks like
he knows his way around a kitchen.

"Well, it looks good."

Jungkook cocks his head and looks at me. "You look good."

"I do?" I can feel my ears burning at the compliment
but I hope he can't tell.


After buttering a few slices
of bread, he drops it onto a sizzling griddle and waits with
a skillet in his hand for it to brown.

"You have a...glow."

I roll my eyes.

Okay, clearly, he's not going
to be patient about this.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do."

Jungkook's breath hitches
and he sets the spatula on
the counter before coming around to the stool I'm on.

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