Just Seems Like No One Can Keep Their Mouths Shout!! Oh and Mindreader Cats

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As my mind drifted out of its sleepy haze, I see two rhinos coming at us only to, thankfully stop right in front of a slightly different colored area.

"Aw, man, I wanted to hit him at full speed!", said a rhino.

"That's OK. We'll have some fun with him.", said a rhino number 2.

"Don't let them impale me, please I wanna live!", said the sloth as he was now hugging Manfred's leg.

"Get off me.", said Fred while shaking his leg, making the sloth fall, then he ran behind me.

"Come on, you're making a scene.", said rhino number 2.

"Ah-huh. We'll just take our furry pinata and go if you don't mind.", said the first rhino.

"Hey, sloth, if it's not them today, It's just someone else tomorrow.",

I told the sloth while turning around to him, knowing that any animal would try and kill him.

An herbivore would try and eat him.

"Well, I'd like rather not be today, okay.",

answered the sloth, stopping my thoughts. I just rolled my eyes, shifted my weight so I was in a bit more of a comfortable position. I can't really be in one because this stupid hurt arm and leg, them turned again to look at the rhinos. Though I saw they were abit suprised.

They heard me talk, great. Supposed to keep quiet Skyie!!

"Look, we're gonna break your neck, so you don't feel a thing. How's that?", said the rhinos.

I like that idea.

I thought.

"Wait a minute, I thought rhinos were vegetarians.",

said Fred while raising a brow at them. I mean he makes a good case.

"An excellent point.",

said the sloth while pointing a claw.

"Shut up!",

I shouted at him. His voice is starting to annoy me.

"I like her.",

said the rhino 2.

"But who says we're gonna eat him after we kill him?",

he asked.

"Yeah, c'mon, move it.",

said the first rhino. After the remark, I started to growl lowly.

"You know, we don't like animals that kill for pleasure.",

said Fred. I then decided to say,

"And I'm starting to dislike you."

"Save it for a mammal that cares.",

said rhino number 2.

"I'm a mammal that cares."

said the sloth.

Seriously, if not these rhinos, I will kill him

"Okay, look. If either of you makes it across that sinkhole in front of you, you get the sloth.",

Countered Fred. He knows that there's no sinkhole, we just walked over the area infront of us, the sloth literally just ran over it.

"That's right, you losers! You take one step and you're dead!", said the green sloth said.


I said that just as the FREAKING SLOTH THREW A ROCK.

"You're dead sloth",

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