Diego's and His Feelings

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Third POV

As soon as Manny's eyelids closed, a pair of emerald green eyes flashed opened and looked around their surroundings.

Deeming that it was quiet enough and that everyone was defiantly asleep, Diego got up from his spot on the ground and quietly made his way over towards where Manny and Roshan were sleeping.

Making his way towards Manny and Roshan, Diego was reaching out for the baby but a noise echoed throughout the silent air. Causing Diego to retract his paw away and look around.

Glaring slightly when he saw that the noise came from Sid, shaking his head Diego once again reached for Roshan, but an emotion flashed through his eyes as he stared down at
Roshan, with thoughts swarming his mind like a hornets nest, as the one thing that he couldn't shake off his mind.

It was an human, just like the one he was sent to get to kill, a human was constantly on his mind ever since the second he met her. The look on her face was incraved in his mind. The protective glow in her eyes, the snarl that graced her lips, fulled with danger and death.

He didn't know what was coming over him but as he retracted his right paw and placed it gently on the ground, he turned his attention to the human saber/jaguar hybrid that has been plaguing his whole mind. The reason for all of those thoughts to run through his head, saying why 'this was a bad idea'.

Shaking his head, he knew that he couldn't do this, not to Skyie. Diego can see how much Skyie cares about Roshan, that was no secret that she would willingly die for him, fight for him and kill for him. That scared Diego so much, because Diego actually felt something for once in in his life.


He knew that if he took away Roshan than there would be a part of him that would be taken as well, as well as being skinned alive.

Just the thought of that made him shudder and saddened his heart at the thought of Skyie's hurt face knowing that he was the reason for it to ever make a presence on her face.

A rustling sound caused Diego to snap out of his thoughts and looked over towards Sid to see if it was him who made the noise, but it wasn't him who had made the noise which slightly confused Diego. As another rustling sound came, he turned his attention towards the sound and saw that the bush was moving, so he quietly made his way over towards the bush area keeping low to the ground.

As Diego continued to watch the bush move, he waited for the perfect opportunity before letting out a growl as he pounced on the intruder and was about to attack them, but what stopped Diego was that once he saw who was underneath him he couldn't help but internally scream, Zeke, a(dumb) fellow saber who is apart of his pack.

"What the...?" Diego questioned confused and annoyed.

"Go ahead and slice me. It'll be the last thing you ever do." Zeke said hysterically.

"I'm working here, you waste of fur." Diego growled, glaring down at his pack member.

"Frustrated, Diego?" Diego heard, causing him to look over and saw another one of his pack members, who's name was Oscar.

"Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you?" Oscar teased, causing Diego to get off of Zeke.

"What are you two doing here?" Diego demanded, looking at both of his pack members, mainly Oscar, knowing that he would provide more information then Zeke would.

"Soto's getting tired of waiting." Oscar stated bluntly.

"Yeah, he said "Come back with the baby, or don't come back at all!" Hahaha" Zeke said but laughed at the end.

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