The Truth Always Hurts

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A/N- I was listening to this song when I got the idea for this chapter

All My Friends Are Fake by Tate McRae.

Not my song, obviously. This awesome song and all the credit belongs to Tate McRae.

Skyie's POV~~~~~

We had woken up a while ago and had started walking again to Glaciers Pass.

'We're not far. Almost there.'

"Alright, let's get you all cleaned up. I mean what's your daddy gonna say when we go back smudgy and stinky like this? OK. Let me just clean that up. That looks good. A little bit here." Sid says, cutting off my thoughts, as he licks Junior clean making smirk at Junior only for it to turn into a smile when he looks at me and laughs.

"You clean up, nice little fella." Manny says, smiling at Junior, then looks at me to see my smug look and turns back to see Diego in the back, behind everyone.

Sid smiles, "I think he's starting to look like me. Hey Diego, what do you think?"

I smirk at the question, believing that Diego would throw back something sarcastic or something for Sid saying that.

Diego stops for a moment, frowning. "Maybe we shouldn't do this."

My smirk slowly started to fade as this heavy pit of, I don't know but I don't like it, started to grow in me, "W-why not, Diego?"

Diego answers, "Because if we save him, he'll grow up to be a hunter, and who do you think he'll hunt?"

"Maybe because we saved him, he won't hunt us." Sid inputs.

"Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you Mama." Diego retorts, I look at Manny, trying to ignore the stirring pit of dread, to see if he notices the way Diego's acting. My eyes connect with his and once he realizes my unspoken question, he nods and questions Diego.

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off." Diego sharply replies to Manny and keeps walking. I get the sudden feeling that someone is watching us making me stop walking. This causes the herd to walk infront of me.

As I'm stopping and trying to unwind the whole feeling of being stalked, Diego walks past me and those waves of dread turn into a tsunami of anxiety.

The feeling starts to build up larger and stronger causing my body to become rigid, tense and tight and my eyes to start darting around, trying to find what was wrong. My breath started to come out in short gasps and pants as my arms started shaking, my hands started trembling causing me to clasp them together. My body was screaming at me to find the threat that dares to hurt the herd.

My herd.

In my moment of searching, I didn't notice that I had pulled my daggers out.

In my moment of weakness, I didn't notice that Diego stopped.

In my moment of pain, I didn't notice Manny talking.

In my moment of sadness, I didn't notice Sid poking my shoulder.

In my moment of dread, I didn't notice Roshan start to cry.

I wish in the next things that would transpired could have been avoided.

"Get down!" I followed Diego's voice and got down in a crouched, offensive position and started growling.

"Huh?" "What?" Sid and Manny ask, watching me crouched on the ground growling and Diego catches up with us and frowns,

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