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Skyie's POV

We were walking when Glacier Pass finally came into our sights.

"Wow! Would you look at that! The tiger actually did it! There's Half Peak, next stop, Glacier Pass! How could I ever have doubted you?" Manny smiles.

Sid smiles to Junior, "Did you hear that little fella? You're almost home!"

Suddenly I got this bad feeling. My eyes dart everywhere, searching for whatever was making me so worried.

"My feet are sweaty." Sid announces.

Diego asks, "Do we have to get a newsflash every time your body does something?

Manny sighs, "He's doing it for attention. Just ignore him."

The feeling just gets stronger and hotter ready to burn me as my fear skyrockets.

My eyes widen in panic as I lift my feet to see the ice has turned red.

"Guys, we have to run!" I yell, panic and urgency overtaking my voice. A rumble is heard and my breathing starts to become unsteady.

"Please tell me that was your stomach." Manny frowns.

Sid chuckles nervously, "I'm sure it was just thunder... from under... ground?"

Suddenly, lava explodes from behind the herd, causing us to scream in panic as we run.

I start to run faster, my fear, controlling my speed, taking over. I'm running beside Diego, when suddenly there's lava left and right below us and the only way to survive is to cross two parts of an ice bridge. We run over the first part of it when half collapses, leaving us on the other side.

My brain pushes a stupid idea to me and, was I about to question it, no because my life is made of stupid ideas at this point.

"Let's hope you got enough stamina to jump it, Tiger!" I shout my plan to him before I can stop myself, positioning my feet in response of knowing I am going through with my plan.

Diego asks, "What?"

I reply, "Follow my lead, Diego!"

I backs up slightly and runs towards the edge, jumping and doing a flip, grabbing the edge of the other side and pulling myself up. Diego jumps as well, and I catches him so he doesn't fall.

"Boy, I wish I could jump like that." Sid smiles.

"Wish granted!" Manny exclaims as he kicks Sid all the way to safety, over the second part of the collapsing bridge of ice. Then he makes it over, so now that him, with Junior, Diego, and me were left to get to safety. I push my speed into overdrive and get ahead of those three.

I scream back at them, "Come on boys! Get moving!"

Manny exclaims back, "Have you noticed the river of lava?"

No matter the situation, my sarcasm always kicks in, though I slowed down just to be next to Manny.

"That's a river of lava!?! Oh I'm sorry!! I thought we were running from the BLOODY OCEAN!!!!"

"REALLY?!?! NOW!!?"

Manny grabs me and pulls me onto his back, then jumps just as the ice breaks beneath him, leaving Diego on the last part of the bridge.

I jump off Manny and turns around to see Diego has jumped and is struggling to get up. Manny turns and sees Diego struggling, then hands Junior to Sid.

"Hold Pinky!" Manny orders as he comes after me to help Diego.

"Diego!" I exclaim, running to him.

I only focus on getting to Diego before he fell, but I sees Manny coming from the corner of my eye, so I grab his trunk with my left hand, holding my right hand out to Diego to grab.

His paw and my hand are only centimetres away when the ice breaks, dropping Diego.

I reach out my hand even further and grabs Diego just before he falls to his death. Diego moves his other paw onto my arm, claws out, making me wince at the pain flashing down to my arm.

'I hope that my skin hasn't been cut open after this.'

"Come on!" I grunt out, grinding my teeth together to hold the pain in my voice.

A crack is heard, causing both my eyes to widen in fear. Manny pulls me and Diego up and throws us to the other end. I get up as fast as I can and runs over to Manny, only for him to fall towards the lava.

"MANNY!" Both me and Sid scream.

There's a terrible silence for a couple of moments, then something is shot up into the sky. I looks up to see it's Manny. He starts coming down. I must have blacked out for a few seconds cause next thing I see is the dust and smoke clearing and Manny is shown on the ground, in pain.

Both me and Sid run over to Manny to see if he's alright.

"Manny, Manny, Manny! You okay? Come on Manny, say something! Anything!" Sid exclaims.

Manny grunts something which I quickly start trying to process, but Sid doesn't understand.

"Get off his trunk! He can't breathe!" I exclaim, shoving Sid off him, finally his words processing in my mind.

"Oh, you're okay!" Sid exclaims.

Diego asks,

"Why would you do that? You could've died trying to save me..."

I sunk to the ground, and started to check my arm where Diego's claws dug in to see if it was injured. Once I am positive that it wasn't and that the skin hadn't be cut through, I answer Diego,

"That's what you do in a herd. You look out for each other. It's an occupational hazard."

Diego smiles,

"Well, thanks."

I feel heat rush to my face at his smile then force it to go away and smirk,

"Although, you push your claws into my arm the next time I try to save you and I will take my dagger and take them out." I smiled sweetly to him and wink.

Everyone chuckles.

Sid pipes up,

"I dunno about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I have ever seen."

I laugh as I try to stand up,

"That's what makes us one."

Diego chuckled in agreement and gave me support so I could get up off the ground.

"Thanks, Tiger." I said. He nodded and then smirked,

"Don't get used to it." He teased.

"Well I better enjoy this while it lasts." I tease him back. I laughed and allowed my body to get pulled off the ground and put my weight on him as I try to regained my balance.

After a few minutes, I was able to stand on my own and we keep moving towards Glacier Pass.

If only we had know what was about to happen.


Have a lovely day/night 🐉

THE ICE AGE & THE HYBRIDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें