Tunnel Sliding Is A Dangerous Type of Fun

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Video here incase my description isn't accurate.

A/N~ None of the pictures or videos in this story are mine

Skyie's POV

As we start walking in to the cave Diego took lead with Manny, me and Junior behind him with Sid behind us.

"Come on, guys. Stick together. It is easy to get lost in here.", said Diego, glancing at all of us.

Out of instinct, I glanced at Sid who went the other way.

'Well, he's gone.' I thought.

'No' A random inner voice said, I thought about it the random voice in my head and just decided that it was nothing.

'Probably just my instincts telling me something, it's nothing.'


I ignored to the voice and looked onward and keep going forward.

"Will you keep up, please? It's hard enough to keep a track of one baby.", said Manny to Sid as he finally reached us again.

I ended up in front of the others and wasn't paying attention to where I was stepping so I walked on an frozen river. I tried to get off of it but my foot slipped, I feel onto the ice, and started sliding; I picked up and put Junior in front of me and held him as the both of us started sliding. He laughed and glanced at the males.

I looked and saw that there was a big dip ahead. As we slide near the edge, I tightened my hold on Junior while he wawed at the others and we disappeared from view.

Though let me tell you something: We might not have been able to see the anymore, but we for sure heard them.

"AAAAAAAA!", 3 male voices screamed in the distance behind us.

"This is crazy!" I shout in disbelief and dislike to the other mammals following us, but there was a thrilling buzz in my chest says otherwise. My grip on Junior losses and that all he needs to escape my grasp. Though in a surge of sudden panic and burst of excitement, I stupidly push towards the wall of the ice tunnel and start sliding on the side and basically slingshot my way in front of the escape artist and grabbed him.

I keep a firm hold on his arm as we slide down, and then maybe out of the relief from the fear of losing him, or the fear of being hurt, or maybe it was that fact that I had some actual fun; I started laughing, my laughter flowing along with Juniors' laughter. We end up going over ice bumps, laughing while the three mammals following us scream.

It was chaotic and dangerous:

'It was the best fun I've had in years.'

I was reeling in the new finding that didn't notice that three tunnels were coming up, so we went down one with only Sid following the us.

I land on the ice again with my cousin still in my hands. I spin around to see Sid trying to grab the us. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I lean back causing me and Junior to speed ahead slightly.

'This might actually be fun' I focused on my thoughts and after a second of consideration when something in me told me to have fun, I smirked and listened to my instincts and let myself have fun.

"Catch us if you can!" I challenge Sid as I look ahead and see a hole in the ice and an idea of mischief emerged from my mind; I put my cousin behind me, closer to Sid and let him go, making sure he's going straight and then lean back so I'm ahead and push on the ice and jump over the hole.

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