A New Tracker Among Us

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We all stare at this mysterious tiger, wondering who he is when I guess he did read all of our minds.

The tiger stands up and smiles, "Name's Diego, friend."

"That's crazy, no one asked."

I remark, with a blank facade, sarcasm being on my side for once. Sid gives me a high five, and the baby innocently laughing. Diego just glared while Fred smirked at my remark.

"Manfred. And I'm not your friend." Fred frowns.

I was tuning them out at this point paying attention to my little cousin more as I started to speak,

"The sloth's Sid."

I look up to say my response and notice that the saber was closer then he should be. I tightened my grip on Roshan a little.

Diego frowns, "Fine, Manfred. If you're looking for the humans, you're wasting your time. They left this morning."

I frowns, "Thanks for the advice. Now beat it!"

Then turned towards Fred and Sid, and finished,

"I'm sure we'll find some clue to where they've
gone if we go to their last camp.

Fred frowns to Sid, "Alright, I'll help you take it to it's herd, but promise me you'll leave us alone after that."

"Come on! We need to get Roshan back to his herd!" I said as I held him.

"Roshan? You named him?" Sid asked me. "Why didn't you pick a better name? Like, Ronald, or Harold?"

"First that is him given name. Second, Roshan is Iran for "Splendid Light'! Besides, he likes the name! Don't you Roshan? Yes! Of course you do!"

I explained as I started to play with Roshan as he cooed and laughed with me.

"Let's get this over with before I barf over Skyie's antics."

Fred grumbled playfully.

"Geez, what a grouch." I said playfully too.

Then I grabbed the stick I was using for my leg.

"Okay, okay, deal! But what's your problem?" Sid asks.

"You are our problem." I answered, the word 'our' being a bit louder than the other words and I was annoyed and want to take Roshan home and see his father.

Sid ignores me and turns to Fred,

"Well I think your stressed, and that's why you eat so much. I mean it's hard to get fat on a vegan diet."

I whacks Sid over the head with the stick and argue,

"He's not fat! He's the right size for a mammoth."

Fred agrees, "I'm not fat. It's all this fur. It makes me look poufy."

Sid shrugs, "Alright you have fat hair but when your ready to talk I'm here"

After that, we started to go around the hill to bring Roshan back home.

We were already on the hill and Sid didn't know what to do.

"What are you doing?", I asked Sid. "Just put Roshan gently on the ledge.", I demanded.

Sid puts Roshan on the ledge and he starts to crawl and made a squeal of excitement.

"Should we make sure they found him" Sid said

I thought for a while and then felt a smirk creep its way on my face. I peeped at Fred and gave him that look. Fred glanced at me and smirked.

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