Chapter 3 - An Unexpected Call

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"Tell me again what happened to your backpack?" his father asked that night over a pepperoni pizza and garlic bread.

            "I lost it," Gordie lied.

            "I don't believe you," his dad answered. 

            Gordie shrugged. After realizing his backpack was gone, he was forced to get a new schedule at the office, then later ask Lina for an extra notebook and pen. She said she would find who stole his backpack and put a curse on them. He ignored this last remark and said he would replace the notebook.

            "You know what we lost in Vietnam?" Grandpa Arnie interjected.

            "A lot of lives," Gordie guessed.

            "Our dignity! Well, that and the ability to sleep through the night."

            Gordie and his dad shared a look, silently agreeing to ignore him.

            It had taken a lot of time, effort, and multiple trips to the hardware store, but the house was finally in a livable condition. All the junk Grandpa Arnie said he couldn't part with was put in the garage as the basement was already packed to the seams with his collectables and what he called sentimental items. The house wasn't a mess anymore, but it didn't feel like home to Gordie yet despite the new paint and furniture.

            "When do you have to leave?" Gordie asked knowing his dad started his shift soon as he worked nights as a police officer. Which was probably for the best so he could keep an eye on Grandpa Arnie during the day.

            "Half an hour. What are your plans for tonight?"

            "Keep grandpa out of trouble and watch a movie I guess."

            "What's that supposed to mean?" Grandpa Arnie asked dripping marinara sauce on his shirt.

            "It means I don't want any calls while I'm at work," his dad said. "And make sure you take your medicine."

            Grandpa Arnie waved his hand carelessly through the air, "I don't need those pills."

            "Dr. Laycock says otherwise."

            "What does he know? I didn't survive the war by taking pills."

            Gordie stood up, "Have a good shift. I'll see you tomorrow," he said leaving the kitchen.

             "I want the truth about what happened to your backpack!" his dad called after him.

            Gordie pretending, he hadn't heard, let himself out the back door.

            "Hey, there boy." Gordie crouched down to pet the Russian Blue cat sitting on the top step of the deck. "Are you hungry? I'll bring out something for you after my dad is gone."

            A few days after arriving Gordie discovered the cat, he had decided to call Fillmore sleeping on the porch. He was thin and dirty the color of gunmetal with yellow glowing eyes. Fillmore had come right up to Gordie and started rubbing his head against Gordie's leg. It was at that moment; he knew he had to do something. Knowing his dad wouldn't be happy about him bringing in a stray and worried Grandpa Arnie might shoot him with the BB gun Gordie had found in his room he decided it was best if Fillmore stayed outside. 

            Fillmore rolled over and Gordie rubbed his belly. The sun was starting to set causing Gordie to squint to make out the yard. It was large but more of a jungle with the tall grass, wildflowers, and weeds. Behind the faded wooden fence loomed the forest.

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