Chapter 9 - Unsettling News

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Gordie's dad was off the next day, so he supervised the replacement of the new window. The brick and Superman action figure were taken by the police and bagged as evidence, but Gordie thought that was a bit; extreme. This wasn't a murder scene after all, well not unless you counted Emma Jane.

"You're sure you don't know anything else?" his father had pressured before he left for school.

"I'm sure dad," he lied again.

Lina and Bryant had made their own observations when they had come over. Lina said she wasn't ruling out the possibility of ghosts, but Bryant said Superman said it all.

"Whoever did this obviously; has a vendetta against DC."

"What does Washington D.C. have to do with this?" Lina asked.

"Not Washington D.C. just DC comics," Bryant clarified.

Lina continued to stare at him with a blank look on her face.

"It stands for Detective Comics," Gordie said, "And I don't think it has anything to do with why our window was broken."

"Then they know you like comic books and are sending a message," Bryant said, "It's you they're after."

Lina gasped, "Don't say that Bryant!"

"We'll have you any other explanations?"

Rather than continue the argument Gordie had suggested they go in the kitchen and have a snack. He had recently bought corn dogs and flamin' hot Cheetos.

Gordie knew there was no point in discussing further what had happened, he knew who was behind the attack. It was obvious Wes had done this. Wes had been openly hostile toward him since Bryant returned Gordie's backpack. It was clear from the note that Gordie was supposed to stop being friends with Bryant, but he couldn't do that. What explanation would he give? And why was he going to listen to some spoiled kid.

That night since Gordie's dad didn't have to work, he happened to be in the kitchen when Caroline called.

Gordie heard him answer the phone from upstairs in his room, then his shout as he called Gordie down.

"Whose Caroline?" his dad asked when he entered the kitchen, "Why's she calling the landline instead of your cell phone?"

Gordie shrugged and picked up the receiver.


"Hey, sorry if I got you in trouble," Caroline immediately apologized.

"It's okay, what's up? Any news on your uncle?"

She sighed, "No, I have bigger problems now."

"What?" Gordie asked, sitting at the kitchen table.

"My mom might be getting out soon."

"As in out of prison?"

"Yeah. Early parole for good behavior and all that."

"Well shouldn't that be a good thing?"

"No, if she gets out and they decide I'm allowed to go back with her I'll never find my uncle! I know that sounds terrible that I don't want to be with my mom but she's so irresponsible! There was never enough money or food, and she couldn't keep up with the bills. I don't believe she has changed and if they do allow her to retain custody then it will only be a short while before I'm back in foster care and like I told you I'm sick of moving!"

"Do you know how long before she might get out?" Gordie asked.

"A couple months, I think. That's what the social worker said anyway."

"Then you don't have much time to find your uncle. Tell me everything you know."


"I'll see what I can find out."

"Really you would do that?" Caroline asked, surprised.

"Sure. I've got time."

Caroline expressed her gratitude then relayed what information she knew. Gordie jotted down important facts in his notebook.

"That's all I know so far."

"Okay, it's something to work with. Call me back at the end of the week and we can compare what we've found."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Gordie."

"No problem. I better go before my dad comes back and wants to talk to you."

She laughed, "That would definitely be awkward."

She hung up and so did Gordie.

"So, Caroline huh?" his dad said coming up behind him arms crossed in front of his chest with a decidedly smug look on his face.

"She's just a friend."

"You seem to have a lot of those these days," he observed.


"It's nice. Your mom would be happy."

"She knows," said Gordie.

Then went to his room to start researching Caroline's uncle.

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