Chapter 13 - Halloween

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"Who are you supposed to be?" Lina's friend Marisa asked.

"Duh, I'm Gordie." Bryant gestured to his jeans and Aquaman T-shirt.

Lina laughed.

"I don't get it," said Marisa, who was dressed as Pocahontas.

"That's because it's not really a costume," Gordie said, who had gone as Captain America.

"I bet your Grandpa Arnie will get it," Bryant said.

"Good luck with that."

Lina laughed again, "Okay, are we going to watch Hocus Pocus or not." Lina was dressed as a 1960's Go-Go girl complete with high-heeled white boots, orange tights and a colorful long-sleeved dress with matching headband. To finish off the outfit Lina had added a peace sign necklace.

"I thought we had to hand out candy," Marisa said. She was short like Lina, also with long black hair and wore round teal eyeglasses.

"No, this place is haunted. Nobody's going to come here," Bryant said.

"It's not haunted," Gordie persisted.

Bryant clapped him on the shoulder, "Yeah, dude it is. So, who's making the popcorn?"

Gordie's dad had to work that night, but Grandpa Arnie was home in his room being suspiciously quiet. Gordie planned to check on him later.

They gathered in the family room to watch the movie with popcorn, a bowl of candy in case any trick or treaters came by and plenty of Coke per Bryant's request.

About the time the Sanderson sisters were awakening from the dead, a loud bang was heard against the back door.

Bryant screamed and threw the popcorn he was holding on his lap into the air.

"IT'S EMMA JANE!" he cried, his eyes frantically scanning the room.

"Bryant she's dead!" Lina exclaimed, "Get a hold of yourself." Lina got up and was about to open the back door when Grandpa Arnie appeared in the room.

"What's going on down here?" he barked.

"It's Emma Jane," Bryant whispered, "She's come for us." Now he was cowering behind Grandpa Arnie's burgundy recliner.

Grandpa Arnie grunted in derision. "Boy you need to stop that crazy talk about my sister. I heard a noise, what was it?"

"Your sister?" Bryant repeated confused, popping his head up over the back of the chair.

"That's what I was trying to find out," Lina said, yanking the door open.

"Careful Lina," Bryant cautioned.

"There's nothing out here," Lina reported, "Just an old boot."

She held up a brown leather boot. It was large and clearly for a man.

"Oh, hi Fillmore, did that loud noise scare you?" Lina dropped the boot inside the house and picked up Fillmore. He nuzzled her chin.

Gordie stood and picked up the boot. As he had feared, there was a folded note on the bottom. Careful so no one saw he slipped the note into his pocket intending to read it later. The boot looked like it might be Grandpa Arnie's; part of the "junk" they had stored in the garage.

"Why are you still keeping Fillmore outside?" Lina asked, sitting back on the couch.

"My dad doesn't want a cat," Gordie explained for what felt like the hundredth time.

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