Chapter 14 - Bryant's Secret

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Gordie waited until everyone was gone before reading the note.

Bryant was right; they didn't get any trick or treaters.

After changing into his Batman pajamas, he joined Fillmore on his bed.

The boot was still downstairs, if he was right and it was Grandpa Arnie's then someone had broken into the garage.

The note was like the others, typed, short and ominous. It said:

You are not listening.

How can I convince you?

I won't keep signaling.

So please don't misconstrue.

I can hurt you in ways.

You'll never see it coming.

Your life will be ablaze.

Fear what is forthcoming!

Gordie added the note to the others. A chilling feeling washing over his body. Wondering how many more he would collect. If this last note was any indication the worst was yet to come. But he still didn't understand the desire behind whoever was doing this. Why was it so important he ended his friendship with Bryant? Or was this about more than just Bryant? Was Gordie missing some hidden message between the lines in these notes?

That night he went to sleep with thoughts of the note and its mysterious writer circling through his head when a loud ringing awakened him. At first, he thought it was the phone in the kitchen and Caroline must be calling again but then he realized when he heard more closely it was the doorbell.

Throwing off the covers, he hurried downstairs before his father or Grandpa Arnie could investigate. He checked the side window and saw Bryant standing on the porch.

Quickly he opened the door.

"Bryant. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

It was close to three in the morning and the night and street were pitch black.

Bryant shrugged. "Can I sleep here?"

"Of course," Gordie immediately responded, stepping aside. He noticed Bryant had brought his backpack and a pillow. "You can stay in the guest room. We hardly ever use it."

As they reached the stop of the stairs Gordie's dad emerged from his room running his hand through his disheveled hair.

"Is everything, all right?" he asked glancing between the two of them.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Is it okay if Bryant stays in the guest room tonight?"

Again, his dad looked closely at them. Finally, he nodded. "Sure, try not to wake your grandfather."

Gordie nodded and showed Bryant where he would be sleeping.

"Sorry it's a bit dusty. Like I said, we don't use this room much."

"It's fine, I won't be here long." Bryant set his backpack down and sat on the bed which was covered with a plaid comforter.

"Okay, see you in the morning then."

Gordie turned to leave but Bryant called his name, stopping him.

He turned around, "Yeah?"

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