Chapter 12 - The Word of Bryant

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"This Leon guy sure didn't gain much by assassinating McKinley," Bryant said the following Monday when Mr. Plummet decided to give them the last fifteen minutes of class to work on their presidential projects.

"What was he supposed to gain?" Gordie asked.

"Recognition!" Bryant cried as if it was so obvious, "Everyone's heard of John Wilkes Booth. Nobody you go up to on the street would know who Leon Czolgosz was."

"Why would you go up to random people on the street and ask that?" Lina asked, reviewing the powerpoint slides they had so far.

"Is that a challenge?" Bryant asked.

"No," said Lina then changing the subject, "I think this is good, but we should have a slide with fun facts too."

"Fun facts like what? The thing he's most remembered for is being assassinated!" Bryant interjected.

"You didn't even know he was assassinated until we got assigned to him," Lina pointed out.

"No, but Gordie did."

"That's Gordie, he's different."

"Is that another jab at my love for superheroes?" Gordie asked.

"What? No, of course not!" Lina cried.

Gordie grinned, "Kidding."

"You know he never used to be a kidder before he met you Lina," Bryant pointed out.

"Yeah well, he also never ate quesadillas either. The way I see it I've only improved his life."

"You would see it that way."

Bryant scooted his chair away before Lina could pinch him.

"I can work on looking up some fun facts," Gordie volunteered.

"Thank you, Gordie."

The bell rang. Lina gathered up her things, "See you two at lunch."

After she was gone, Cole Masters took her seat. Cole wore baggy jeans and a loose T-shirt, his shaggy brown hair in disarray.

"Hey Bryant, are you coming this weekend?"

"Coming where?" Bryant asked, confused.

"Wes's Halloween party."

"Oh right. I forgot he does that every year."

"Yeah, so I'll see you there?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not? Won't Miss Copacabana let you go?"

Bryant crossed his arms, "If you mean Lina, she doesn't make my decisions."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't want to go."

"Look I know Wes isn't a fan of him," Cole nodded at Gordie, "But I'm sure you could bring him, and Wes wouldn't care."

Bryant stood up, "You're right Wes isn't a fan of Gordie, and he would care. So, I'm not coming."

Cole stood up and said, "That's stupid!"

"Stupid or not, that's my decision. Let's go, Gordie."

Gordie picked up his backpack, his new Spiderman keychain swinging back and forth, as he did so and turned toward the doorway.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Bryant said, reaching for Cole before he could move and pinching his arm, "That's from Lina."

With Cole grabbing his arm and cursing, Bryant and Gordie left the room.

"You know you could go," said Gordie as they headed to second period. "I don't care."

"Gordie, I don't want to go."

"Okay, okay."

They walked in silence for a few seconds then Gordie asked. "Are we telling Lina about this?"

Bryant gave him a look.

That was a no then.

"Do you know who assassinated James Garfield?" 

"Who's he?" Bryant asked.

Gordie shook his head. "I'll tell you and Lina at lunch."

"Sounds good, I think she brought chicken enchiladas today."

"Can't wait."

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