Chapter 18 - Wes's Confession

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Caroline had said she would call after meeting with her mom.

Gordie was at the kitchen table putting finishing touches on their presentation when the doorbell rang. Assuming it was Lina or Bryant (because they were the only two people who ever came to their house); he thought nothing of it when he opened the door. What he had not expected was to find Wes standing on the other side.

"Uh hi," Gordie said awkwardly.

"I didn't take your backpack."

Also, not what Gordie had expected him to say.


"It was Cole."


"I didn't take your hulk keychain either."

"Okay." Gordie was saying that a lot, he thought he should probably say something else.

"So, you'll tell Bryant it wasn't me?"

"He already knows that." There that was better, more words.

"He must not because he's not talking to me, and he didn't come to my Halloween party."

"That's not because of me."

Wes glared at him, "He didn't have a problem before you showed up."

"Or he did and just never did anything about it." Wow where did that come from? That was good, Gordie thought.

"Bryant and I used to be good friends. Do you even know what happened to him?" Wes asked, clearly agitated.

"I was told not to say."

"Then you don't know because it's not a secret."

This must not be about Bryant's parents fighting then, thought Gordie.

"What are you talking about?"

"Bryant's adopted."

Gordie shook his head, "That can't be right."

"It is! I know his parents' fight. Do you know what they're fighting about?"

Gordie remained silent.

"It's because his mom wants him back. His biological mom."

"If Bryant's really adopted then she has no rights," Gordie said logically.

"No but she still wants to see him, and Bryant's parents don't want her to. But Bryant does. And if you were really his friend, you would know that."

Wes turned to leave.

"And tell him about the backpack, it wasn't me."

Wes headed down the walk and Gordie closed the front door.

Was all that true? And why hadn't Bryant told him? Gordie was new to this friend's business, but he was pretty sure this was the type of thing you shared.

Maybe Wes was right. Maybe they weren't really friends after all.

As he contemplated this possibility, the ringing of the phone penetrated his thoughts.

He turned and lifted the receiver off the wall.

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