Chapter 15 - Headed in the Right Direction

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Despite having told Lina he would tell his father about the boot, Gordie never did. He decided there was no point in worrying him further. He did, however, check the garage and located the matching boot inside. Just out of curiosity, he looked to see if a note had been placed inside that one as well, but it was empty.

Caroline called that night. She said she was going to meet with her mom next week and hoped she would be able to find out her uncles' birthday when she did.

"It will be hard to mention him and act casual. But the worst that can happen is she doesn't tell me. If she even knows."

"I'm sure she knows," Gordie said.

Caroline sighed. "She should but her family has never mattered much to her. I barely matter to her."

"It's her loss," Gordie said, "Maybe that's how you can convince her to tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Play on her sympathy. Ask her if she wants you to be happy. Tell her this is what you want. Someplace permanent to stay."

"I guess I could try that."

"Any word on your mom's release?"

"No official date yet. How are your friends? Did you guys do anything for Halloween?"

"We watched a movie at my house. Nothing super exciting."

"Did you dress up?"

"Yeah, I went as Captain America."

"I would have gone as Elsa from Frozen if I had a reason to dress up. People say I look like her."

"Really? That's cool."

"It's one of my favorite movies. I watched it at my last foster home. They had an eight-year-old and she was obsessed with it."

"Let me know how the visit with your mom goes."

"I will."

They hung up.

"Was that Caroline again?" His dad asked entering the kitchen.


"Why don't you invite her over?"

"She doesn't live around here."

"I could pick her up if her parents can't drop her off."

"Okay, thanks. I'll let you know."

Though Gordie knew, he never would.

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