Chapter 19 - The Plan

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Ninety Days.

That's how long Caroline said her mom had before she was released.

"Which doesn't leave me a lot of time to find my uncle and convince him to take me in," Caroline had worriedly prattled.

"Did you find out, his birthday?" Gordie asked.

"Yes! It's August 10, 1985."

"Great! I'll ask my dad to run a background check. That should tell us where he lives and plenty else. Did your mom say anything about what's going to happen when she gets out?"

Caroline sighed, "The usual. That I'll be able to come stay with her once she finds a place and will never have to be in foster care again."

"Was she suspicious at all about you asking about her brother?"

"I don't think so. I told her I needed the information for a family tree assignment at school."

"That was smart!"

"Yeah, one of my more brilliant moments."

Gordie laughed.

"So, once I have an address for your uncle, what do you want to do? Are you just going to show up at his house and meet him?"

"I'd rather meet you."

Gordie grinned, "You would?"

"If you want to meet me."

"Yes! When?" Gordie asked excitedly.

"After you have the information on my uncle. We can meet at the Lincoln Memorial."

"Okay, that sounds good. I haven't been there yet."

"You haven't?" Caroline asked, shocked.

"No, my dad kept saying he was going to take me to D.C. to see all the memorials, but it hasn't happened."

"You've got a lot to see then!"

"I've got time. Call me in a few days. I'll let you know what my dad's able to find out."

"Okay and Gordie? Thanks for doing this."

"You're welcome."

Gordie hung up.

Now he just had to ask his dad to run a background check on Caroline's uncle. He had told her it wouldn't be a problem, but he hadn't really thought about what his dad would say when he asked. He still thought Caroline was a girl from school. Did he say Caroline was in foster care and that he had never actually met her? Or did he just lie?

Afraid his dad would not help if he knew the truth, he decided lying was the safer bet. Besides, he still hadn't told his dad the truth about the brick or the boot. Why start telling the truth now?

He talked it over with Bryant who agreed. He also said Gordie was crazy if he thought they were going to let Gordie go alone to meet Caroline.

"I know you say she's cool, but she could still be crazy. Or forty or a drug dealer you don't know."

"She's not any of those things," Gordie persisted.

"We'll see," Bryant said.

Lina was also excited to meet Caroline.

"I bet she likes the Jonas Brothers."

"She probably does," Bryant said, "But that's not going to change my opinion."

As for what Wes had told Gordie he still had not felt comfortable bringing it up with Bryant. There must be a reason he didn't want Gordie to know he was adopted. And if Bryant really did want to meet his biological mom, then Gordie would support him. But something had to change if his parents continued to argue over the wishes of Bryant's mom.

The way things were looking, Caroline wouldn't be the only one he would help find long lost relatives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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