Chapter 16 - I'm a Sucker for You

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The Jonas Brothers concert was that weekend.

It was safe to say Lina had reached official fan girl status. As the day approached, it was all she wanted to talk about.

"Do you think we'll be sitting close enough that I'll be able to see Nick Jonas sweat?"

"What should I have him sign? My arm or my chest?"

"Can I sit on one of your shoulders?"

"Lina he's not signing your chest!" Bryant cried.

"What are you saying that I have small breasts?"

"No, I mean yes; I mean that's not the point! You are not going to get to meet Nick Jonas. We don't have VIP passes."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"What? Did you make a deal with a voodoo woman that we don't know about?" Bryant asked sarcastically.

"I'm going to the bathroom; I can't talk to you when you're like this." Lina got up from their lunch table.

"Like what? A sane person?" Bryant called at Lina's back. "She's nuts!" Bryant mumbled when she was out of earshot.

Gordie continued to eat the taco salad Lina had brought. "You already knew she was nuts," he pointed out.

Bryant shrugged. "We are going to need ear plugs for this concert."

"Already bought them," Gordie said.

Bryant grinned.

"Do you want to spend the night at my house after the concert?" Gordie asked hoping he sounded nonchalant.

"Sure," Bryant quickly answered.

Lina returned from the bathroom, "I've decided for my next superhero lesson we should watch Spiderman."

"Okay," Gordie said, "When is that?"

"After the concert of course! Which reminds me I downloaded their latest album so we can listen to it on the way there."

"Great," said Bryant sarcastically, "Will this torture never end?"

Lina pinched his arm.

"Ouch! And will you stop that already!" Bryant cried.

Lina just smiled.

The day of the concert, Gordie's dad gave Grandpa Arnie a list of important phone numbers in case of an emergency and instructions not to leave the house or for the love of God get the police involved while they were gone.

"You're the police!" Grandpa Arnie said, "They're not going to do anything to me."

"They will if you break the law. And keep an eye on Fillmore."

Grandpa Arnie glanced at Fillmore who was sleeping on the stairs. Gordie and his dad had recently taken him to the vet where Fillmore had received the appropriate shots and had been given a clean bill of health. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye on him." he grumbled, "That cat is treated better than me."

"What's that?" Gordie's dad asked.

"Nothing," Grandpa Arnie grumbled.

Gordie's dad of course obliged Lina and played the Jonas Brothers during the ride to the concert. Bryant insisted Gordie give him his ear plugs early.

Their seats were not the greatest, but they were decent enough, though Lina was disappointed, she wouldn't be able to see Nick Jonas sweat. Gordie's dad kept asking if they were actual brothers or if that was just their name while Bryant ignored everyone while eating large nachos and Coke.

About halfway through the concert Lina said she was feeling dizzy, and Gordie's dad went to buy her a bottle of water.

"You've been jumping around too much," Bryant said letting her have some of his Coke. "And what have you eaten today?"

"I was too excited to eat," Lina said defensively.

"I'm going to get you a hot dog," Bryant declared.

"Really I'm fine," Lina said to Gordie.

"Is that while you're so pale and sweaty?" Gordie asked.

"I'm sweaty from having a good time!"

"I'm glad you're having fun but don't overdo it."

"Here's your water Lina," Gordie's dad said, returning, "Where's Bryant?"

"He went to get Lina a hot dog," Gordie volunteered.

Lina drank some water, "I'll be fine."

After Bryant returned and Lina ate the hot dog, she started feeling better. When the concert was over Gordie's dad called Grandpa Arnie to let him know they were heading home. Grandpa Arnie said things were fine and wanted to know if they were bringing him anything back.

"Like what?" Gordie's dad asked.

"I'd like a T-shirt."

"You don't even know who the Jonas Brothers are," his dad pointed out.

"That doesn't mean I wouldn't like a T-shirt."

Gordie's dad sighed. "We'll be home in half an hour."

They listened to more Jonas Brothers on the ride back. Once at Gordie's house, his dad went to check on Grandpa Arnie while Gordie fed Fillmore.

"I had a good time tonight," Lina said, "Thanks for taking us!"

"Like I'd take anyone else." Literally. Gordie thought there was no one else.

Lina kneeled and petted Fillmore while he ate his kibble.

"Why do girls scream so loud?" Bryant asked, rubbing his head as he sat at the kitchen table.

"You had ear plugs," Lina pointed out.

"Not strong enough."

"Lina, were you going to hang out a while before heading home?" Gordie asked.

Lina stood up, "No, I'd better go now. I told my mom I'd be home before midnight."

"I'll walk you," Bryant said.

"Why?" Lina asked suspiciously.

"It's dark."

"So? I'm just going down the street."

"You have bad night vision."

"I do not!"

"Just come on," Bryant said, getting up. "Oh here." Bryant handed Lina a piece of paper.

Lina looked down and then squealed. "How did you get this?" It was Nick Jonas's autograph.

Bryant shrugged, "Let's just say I'm very persuasive."

Lina rushed forward and hugged Bryant, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Lina chanted, "But why would you do this for me?" she asked, leaning back.

"Because I'm a sucker for you."

It wasn't exactly an admission of love, but Gordie couldtell by the look on Lina's face, it may as well have been.

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