Chapter 5 - Lost and then Found

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Gordie got to school early the next day. He was just turning the corner to head to his locker when he spotted Bryant with a boy that Gordie now knew was Wes Jenkins.

Wes was popular. If you were the type of person who was into labels. He was in Gordie's math class and liked to annoy their teacher. But in Mrs. Burton's defense it wasn't her fault algebra was so boring.

Gordie also learned why Marisa thought Wes might not be coming back. His parents had gotten divorced over the summer and his dad had received a big promotion in his company, but the job was in New York. Mrs. Jenkins apparently was able to convince the judge Wes needed to stay in Virginia. Gordie wasn't sure Wes agreed but Marisa was certainly happy.

Wes wasn't quite as tall as Bryant and wore his short brown hair spiked in the front. He dressed casually in jeans and a green T-shirt, but it was obvious his clothing was expensive. Gordie knew Marisa wasn't the only one with a crush on him though Lina had been quick to inform him he wasn't her type. Gordie still wasn't sure why she had shared this information with him.

Bryant was leaning next to Wes's locker.

"You got anything to eat?" he asked Wes.

"Naw maybe... wait I think I might!"

Wes reached into his locker and to his surprise pulled out Gordie's missing backpack. Gordie immediately recognized the red backpack with The Hulk keychain hanging off the zipper.

"I thought I saw a granola bar or something in here." Wes rummaged inside for a few moments then triumphantly held up a strawberry Nutri-Grain bar.

Bryant wasn't looking at the bar though his eyes were on Gordie's backpack.

"Where did you get that?"

"What?" Wes asked innocently.

"That's not your backpack."

"Oh, Cole found it."


"I don't know. Who cares! Do you want something to eat or not?" He held the bar up in front of Bryant's face.

Instead of taking it as Wes obviously expected him too, Bryant snatched the backpack out of Wes's hand.

"Hey, what gives man?" Wes cried, clearly shocked by Bryant's behavior.

"This is Gordie's backpack."


"Gordie Burnside. The new kid, he just moved here from Florida."

"Yeah and?"

"And this isn't yours. You should have returned it."

"Why there's nothing important in it? A few notebooks and pencils, some comic books and a couple old baseball cards."

Gordie's hands curled into fists. Those baseball cards may be old, but they meant a lot to Gordie. They were about the only thing Grandpa Arnie had given him that he treasured. Although in hindsight, he really shouldn't have been carrying them around in his backpack.

"That's not the point," Bryant said.

"Why do you care?" Wes asked, reaching for the backpack, but Bryant jerked it out of Wes's reach.

"I care because Gordie is my friend."

Then Bryant turned and walked away leaving a shocked Wes behind him.

Gordie waited until Wes was gone. Then quickly went to his locker before he was late for, first period. When he arrived, his backpack was in his seat.

He pretended as if he didn't know how it had gotten there.

"What's this doing here?" Gordie asked, picking it up.

"It's yours, isn't it?" Bryant asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but I thought it was lost."

"Well now it's found. Is that a problem?"

Gordie shook his head and sat down.


"For what I didn't do anything," Bryant said, avoiding eye contact with Gordie.

"I know I wasn't thanking you for the backpack. I was thanking you for being my friend."

Finally, Bryant met his gaze, "I got you."

"Got what?" Lina asked breezing in, "Don't tell me lice, because one of my sisters had that once and we all had to shave our heads."

"You lie!" Bryant cried.

And just like that the moment was over but for Gordie it was just the beginning.

He had never had friends before. Maybe Grandpa Arnie was right. Maybe he did need them in his life. 

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