Chapter Twenty Three - The Truth Revealed

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After awakening Jinn, Ruby proceeds to ask her to reveal what Ozpin was hiding from them much to Ozpin's protest. Jinn soon reveals that Ozpin was once a warrior named Ozma who had onced rescued the human Salem from a tower in an age where magic was available to all humans. They soon learned that Ozma had Salem had fallen in love and lived a happy life together until Ozma died of a mysterious illness. When Ozma dies, Salem attempts to plead to the Gods of Light and Darkness to bring him back to life, in which Ozma is resurrected only to be destroyed again due to the conflict between the two Gods. Salem was soon guided by a growing darkness in her heart. It was that darkness that guided Salem to attack the Gods in which she was cursed with immortality. They soon learn that in Salem's isolation, her heart turned to darkness and in her grief, Salem leaps into the Grimm Pool in the Land of Darkness and becomes the being she is today. In response to this, the Gods resurrected Ozma and cursed him with reincarnation in order fight Salem. Team RWBY, Qrow and Ezio watched the story unfold as Ozma and Salem clashed time and time again. Eventually, the origins of the Relics and the Maidens are soon revealed. But they also witnessed Ozma using the Relic of Knowledge to ask the first of three questions to Jinn.

Ozma: How do I destroy Salem?

Jinn(Past): You can't.

With that, the story ended. As Jinn's form vanished into the Relic, everyone was in a state of shock.

Yang: Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?

As Yang said this, Team RWBY angrily glared upon Ozpin who had taken control of Ozpin's body. Yang approached Ozpin.

Yang: There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!

Ozpin said nothing as he looks down in shame.

Ruby: Professor... What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I... don't have one...

Rage soon same over Qrow as he punched Oscar in the face. As things were about to get heated, Pip fires his machine gun in the air. This stops the entire group as they turn to Pip. 

Yang: What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Pip: Are you all quite finished? Good. Now let's get a move on. We're losing light. 

Yang: Are you crazy?! He's leading us on a fight against Salem without a plan! You all saw what happened! How could you still defend him?!

Pip: Trust me, Yang. I'm just as pissed about these new developments as you are. But a job is a job and the Wild Geese always fulfil their contract. 

As Pip said this, it was clear to him that Team RWBY and Qrow felt a great sense of betrayal upon learning the truth about Salem. Despite this, Pip maintained his calm composure as he lights himself a cigarette. 

Blake: But what can we do? We can't kill Salem. You heard what Jinn said.

Pip: My boys and I have faced our share of tough jobs. Killing an immortal is certainly going to be an uphill battle. But if anyone can pull it off, it's the Wild Geese. 

Weiss: Ozpin lied to you. Lied to all of us. Whatever promise he made to you, it's null and void.

Qrow: Think of your men, Pip! Do you really think this job is worth their lives? You really want to march them on a suicide mission?

As Weiss said this, Pip turned to his men. 

Pip: Boys, we're in it now. We now know what we're dealing with. We're dealing with an immortal witch. If any of you want to back out now and walk away, now's the time. 

As Pip said this, the Wild Geese squadron said nothing as they stood right where they were. That was the answer Pip needed. 

Pip: No takers? Alright then. 

With that, Pip made it clear to everyone that he and the Wild Geese intended to see this mission through to the end. At this point, Maria steps in.

Maria: Enough! We need to get move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity. Not to mention your mercenary friend firing his machine gun in the air. If that doesn't attract the Grimm, then it may attract bandits in the area. There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere.

Yang: Lady, I don't know who you think you are but....

Maria: No buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!

Ruby: She's right. Come on.

With that, the group began moving forward. Pip could see that the revelation of Salem's origins had placed doubt within the group.

Wild Geese Lieutenant: So what's the plan, Captain? 

Pip: We take the Relic to Atlas and go from their. 

Wild Geese Grunt: So we're really gonna try to kill an immortal? Shit....

Pip: It's not too late for you to back out. 

Wild Geese Grunt: I'm just worried we'll run out of ammo mowing down her Grimm before we get to her. 

Pip: Heh. That's the spirit. 

As the Wild Geese made it clear that they would stay the course, Pip could see that Ruby's group didn't share that mindset.  As it stands, this division within the group threatened to fracture them and leave them all weakened to the looming threat of Salem.

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