Peter Parker (tom)

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You had been on a mission with the team which Peter couldn't go on. While you were on the mission the team had lost all communication with you and found you weaponry on the ground near the entrance the building. The team knew something had happened and regrouped got try and find you but the knew what had really happened. They got back and started working on finding you before contacting Peter and telling him everything which caused him to worry greatly about you. You were locked in a room and had people attempting to question you for information however you weren't giving them anything. The team were working hard and eventually got the location, wasting no time getting there. Peter was trying to help but his worry for you was distracting him so Tony had him stay back in the jet so nobody else gets taken or hurt. He was waiting for what felt like forever but was slightly relieved as they brought you out but he saw you looking drained)

Peter: yn?! Wha- are you okay? What happened to you?
Tony: calm down parker, give them some room
Steve: they're alright, we need to get them back though so they can be checked over
Peter: okay

(He sat by you the whole way back to the compound and was relieved to know you were alright. The team felt guilty not realising what had happened and you to have to go through this situation)

Peter: you're alright now, I'm so sorry
You: you weren't even there Peter, what are you sorry for
Peter: that's the point, I wasnt there yn!
You: Peter... calm down
Peter looked to you: .... I'm sorry I just
You: I know, just lie with me please
Peter: whenever you need me, I'll never say no to that

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