Bruce Banner

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You had both been busy recently and planned to have a day together, relaxing, going out for food ext. When Bruce came over to your apartment, he realised that the door was cracked open and quickly came inside)

Bruce: yn?! You in here?!

(He was trying to shout you hoping that you were going to respond. He saw the mess of your apartment and was even more worried, he quickly ran to your room and was continuously trying to find anything when he saw a hydra logo. Panicked he took some Photos of your apartment and the logo, quickly getting back to the team and getting help to get your location, hoping they could do it quickly. It was talking a few days and Bruce was getting more and more worried about what was happening to you. After all of the searching they were able to find the place where they were holding you. Bruce was sitting as the jet went to the location and was only worrying what was going to happen. He was relieved when he found the room you were in and lifted you making you look at him)

Bruce: hey yn, look at me
You tiredly: Bruce?
Bruce: are you hurting? Have they done something? Anything?
You: It hurts, I don't know anything else....
Bruce: hey hey stay awake for me honey, we're getting you home
You: ..... home

(Bruce could tell you were close to loosing consciousness and picked you up getting you back to the jet. Everyone regrouped and they ended up getting you back to the compound fairly quickly so that a doctor could fully check you over. He stayed with you and made sure that you weren't alone at any moment. When you woke up he was reassuring you everything was okay and making sure you knew you were home, where you were safe)

Reactions- yn being captured by hydra Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon