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Aemond flew through the sky cheering. Visenya waited for him at the beach. It was now almost if not completely dark outside. She wrapped her arms around her self trying to keep warm. The cloak Aemond had given her had little help since it had only gotten colder. She saw Vhagar slowly starting to come down from the sky. She stood up watching the dragon land. As the dragon landed it shook the ground beneath her feet. Visenya smiled had returned as she walked over to the dragon. She sees Aemond sitting on top of her. His hair now tangled from the wind, his face pale from the cold, but yet he had the biggest grin on his face. "I did it!" He yelled from the dragon. Visenya choosing to stay a good distance from the dragon as she knew it was not a good idea to walk up in a dragon when they do not know you. She gave him two thumbs up and waving him over to you. He slowly climbed down from the dragon. He slipped once but quickly caught himself again.

     He gave his dragon a few words while petting her before running back over to Visenya. He ran up to her before hugging her nearly making her lose balance, but before she could she felt him left her off her feet and spinning her around. She laughed at his gesture, slowly setting her back on the ground.. Visenya hands rested on her shoulders. She feet touched the ground and she smiled taking his face in her hand "you did it" she says with a nod of excitement for him. Aemond hands rested on her waist pulling her forward slightly. She soon realized the position they were in, she moved her hand back down to his shoulders but that failed to do anything since he had moved his hands to her face. They looked at each other, Visenya blushing like crazy and she could only hope Aemond couldn't see. Aemond pulled her toward him slightly giving her the opportunity to walk away, but she didn't. She knew she should but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Now inches away from each other Aemond looked at her one last time to make sure this was okay. When he saw no signs of her moving away he removed the last few inches. Their lips touching childishly for a second before pulling away from each other. Visenya was probably as red as a tomato but the night covered most of her face. She grabbed his hand in hers "Come.. it's late we better go inside, Dragon boy" she said still blushing. "Y-yeah, that's probably a good idea" Aemond still surprised she had let him kiss her but quickly put a huge smile on his face walking along side Visenya.

     As they entered the tunnel that goes to the castle they were greeted with Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena.  "It's him?" She hears one of the girls say. Visenya was still coming around the corner when she saw them all. She looked up at Aemond in worry "it's me" he say arrogantly "Vhagar is my mothers dragon" Rhaena  told Aemond.

"Your mothers dead... and Vhagar has a new rider now."

"She was mine to claim!"

"Then your should've claimed her"

"Guys, come on" Visenya tried to step in

     "Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you" Aemond spoke referring to the time they gave him a pig as a joke. Visenya turned to look at him with a disappointed look, she knew how much that had hurt him when they did it to him so why would he do it to her? The girl charged at Aemond, taking Visenya by surprise she jumped out of the way. Aemond grabbed her and threw her down. Baela came in and punched him in the face. Visenya now grew angry, a dragon was not property and the dragon choose Aemond. Aemond then walked up to Baela throwing a hard punch back. "Aemond stop" Visenya tried to step in now but that proved useless when all he did was making her get behind him. "Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!"

     Jace walked forward punching aemond in the face, but aemond recovered quickly blocking all the other punches before kicking him in the chest knocking him down. Visenya jumped on the middle trying to hold Aemond back but he only pushed her out of the way making her fall on the ground. Luke then tried to go after Aemond but failed by getting punched in the face before he could even do anything. He fell down yelling at Jace came up and pushed Aemond down. All of them getting up and attacking him. Visenya stood up and ripped Baela off of him pulling her to the ground giving Aemond the opportunity to get up. He was chocking Luke as he came at him "Aemond stop" she yelled but was ignored again. Aemond stood up and grabbed a rock holding it above Luke's head. "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did!" He threaten "Bastards."

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