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     Visenya stood in her room picking out a dress for this evenings dinner. She ran her hands along the dresses till she found the one she was looking for. It was a dark red with a black metal armor that wrapped around her waist like a corset and came up into a v that was placed beneath her breast. The fabric was a thin material that flowed when she walked. The end of the dress flowed behind her as she walked. She grabbed the dress and the piece of armor that came with it.

     She had spend the day in her room deciding to wait to talk to everyone at dinner. She undressed herself and slowly stepped into the dress. Her handmaidens were still back at Winterfell. Since she had not planned to stay long she told them to remain at Winterfell until I said otherwise. She slide the fabric over her shoulders before hooking the armor around her waist holding the dress in place. The neckline came down into a small v showing only a little cleavage.

     Once the dress was fully on she walked over to her nightstand and grabbed the knife that laid there. She also grabbed her scabbard that went with it and attached it to her thigh underneath the dress. Her hair laid against her back in its natural wavy state. Two knocks could be heard from her door "Come in" she said knowing it was someone to tell her it was time for dinner.

     The door opened to reveal the one eyes prince. She could see him in the mirror that she stood in front of. "Well I wasn't expecting this" she says as she turns around to face him "Mother told me to escort you to dinner" he says not looking at the girl. "Hmm..sure" she says slowly taking steps towards him. He held up his arm for her to take still not looking at her. She took his arm in hers "Wouldn't want to keep the Queen waiting" she says as she starts walking. Aemond followed next to her as they made their way to the dinning room.

     Visenya looked around now noticing the multiple stars that now hung everywhere. All the Targaryen history was gone. All that remained that was the faith of the seven. "This place has changed" Visenya stated looking all around her. "I hardly recognize it" she says passing the once hallway she had help Aemond carry Aegon to his chambers. "A lot can change in 6 years, Visenya" he says still not looking her way as if he was avoiding looking at her, which grew more obvious by the second.

     "Yes, I guess that is true" she says as they slowly approach the doors to the dinning room. The guards stood watching them walk up. They stood outside the doors waiting for the guards to open them "You know, I personally think that you look even better now then you did then" she says referring to before the accident. He looked down at her in surprise to see her smirking just as the doors opening not giving him a chance to respond.

     Visenya walked in with a smile as she saw the Queen sitting at the top of the table. Helaena sat to the left of her and Aegon sat beside Helaena already drinking his wine. Aemond walked over to the other side of the table and slowly pulled out a chair for her that was in front of Aegon. "My queen" she says addressing Alicent as she sat down. Aemond sat down in the empty seat between me and his mother.

Aemond sat down and greeted his mom "Where is the King? I was hoping to see him" Visenya says once Aemond was finished "He is in his chambers, Princess. He has been very ill lately" The Queen said and Visenya hummed in response. "I shall visit him tomorrow then" Visenya says as the food was now being brought in.

     Aemond now allowed himself to look at the girl he once was friends with. Her words ringing in his head on repeat. Had she meant what she said? He saw as Visenya now looked at his brother for a moment before then moving onto Helaena. The little girl he once knew was now all grown up. "So where have you been? We haven't heard anything about you in the last 6 years besides little story's now and again" The Queen asked.

     "I was in Winterfell, I had left Dragonstone quite some time ago" Visenya says looking uncomfortable at the question. She dug at her food but still not yet taking a bite. "I've heard you've become an amazing swordman" Alicent says trying to make small talk with the girl. Visenya now looked up at the comment as it sparked her interest. "Yes I spent a lot of time training while I was in Winterfell. I find it helps to release some anger" Visenya said jokingly as she finally took a bite of her food.

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