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She spent the next few months training with her stepfather. She had slowly but surely warmed up to the man. He taught her how to swing a sword among many other things and she couldn't help but feel grateful. She still held a grudge against her mother. She knew it wasn't fair to talk to Daemon but not her mother but that was different. Rhaenyra was her mother and she knew how Visenya felt about her father. He was her husband. How could she have done that? She could see Daemons side of things. He wanted power. And he wasn't emotionally connected to Laenor, but her mother... she would never forgive.

It the few months Visenya had only grew more brave. She still snuck around following people and listening but she grew more bold when disobeying her mother. It was no secret to everyone how Visenya felt. She went against her moms every word. Daemon had tried to talk to her about it but got nothing in return. She only grew irritated when he would bring it up "If you want to suck up to my mother that's your choice, not mine" is what she would say every time.

She stood outside with Daemon taking a breather before starting her training again "You learning fast.. that's good" Daemon says to the girl "Would you expect anything less of me" she ask sarcastically smirking at Daemon "Of course not, my little dragon" that was a nickname he had started calling her. She didn't mind. She kind of liked it. "Princess Rhaenyra would like to see you in her chambers, Princess?" She heard a guard say from behind her "Is it a request or an order?" She asked rolling her eyes. "An order, Princess"

She sighed and looked over at Daemon motioning him to follow her. "Do you know what this might be about?" Visenya asked Dameon as they walked up to her mother chambers "For once I do not" he says looking as confused as she is. Her mother never summoned her. She stopped outside her door taking a deep breath preparing herself for whatever her mother had to say. She knocked on the door waiting for the response "Come in" she hears her mother say from the other side of the door.

She felt Daemon hand on her shoulder for support before she finally opened the door to face her mother. "Yes, mother?" Visenya asked trying to be polite. Daemon walked in behind her and Rhaenya shot him a look before focusing on her daughter. "I have decided something Visenya" she says looking at the girl with a solemn expression. Rhaenya knew she decided this for her own benefit. Her daughter is the heir to the Iron Throne and she knew Visenya should stay at Dragonstone, but she couldn't take it anymore. Her daughter's rebellion has caused her so much stress and now she was with child.

Visenya stood and watched her mom as she paused before continuing "You are going to go to Winterfell" she said plainly. Visenya took a step back away from her mother "W-what do you mean I'm going to Winterfell?" Visenya asks stuttering slightly. "Honey, what are you talking about?" Daemon said confused on where this had come from. Rhaenya decided it best she didn't tell anyone about this decision until it was time. Rhaenya knew people would oppose and she didn't feel like dealing with it "I have talked to the Lord of Winterfell and they have agreed to take Visenya in and prepare her for ascension" Her mother finally spoke fully. "You're sending me off to Winterfell? For how long?" Visenya asked feeliing betrayed once again by her own mother.

"Don't you think your being a bit harsh" Daemon says to his wife "She belongs here, not with some northern lord" Daemon says protesting against his wife to have Visenya sent away. "My decision is final...I'm not sure how long you'll stay Visenya." She says towards her daughter ignoring her husbands protests. Visenya looked at her mom with the same hatred she had the night of her fathers death. Only this time Visenya did not react. She would not see that her mother got to her. At least in Winterfell she wouldn't have to put up with her mom anymore "Okay" Visenya said plainly glaring at her mother. "Am I dismissed?" Visenya asked not knowing how much longer she could keep it together. Rhaenya nodded towards her daughter and Visenya quickly took her exit with Daemon following in pursuit.

"And you wondered why I will never forgive my mother... she only cares about herself. She doesn't think about what her action do to other people. She will make a horrible Queen" Visenya says loudly for multiple people to hear but she mostly directed towards Daemon. "Shush! You can't say things like that Visenya" he says walking closer to her "You may be right, but she still is the heir to the throne" he finishes. "I don't care" was all she said before walking back to her chamber where she could finally rest in peace. Daemon sighed letting her go before walking back to talk to his wife. Visenya rushed through her door slamming it behind her.

She knew her mother would never change. She would only always care about herself. She did not regret what she had said because it was true. She would make a horrible Queen. Visenya paced around her room. She walked over to her closet tearing everything out. If she wanted Visenya gone, what's what she would get. She shoved everything into her luggage before going around her room and grabbing personal items she would want. She quickly shoved everything into her luggage before dragging it out to the courtyard of the castle. Visenya sucked in a breath looking up at the sky silently calling her dragon to her. Jace and Luke had come out running into ten court but being stopped by Viseyna standing in front of them.

Jace looked behind the girl and saw her luggage setting on the ground "Are you going somewhere?" Jace asked curiously to which Visenya only nodded feeling the tears start to cover her eyes but never letting them fall. "Mother is sending me to Winterfell" she said solemnly looking at the ground afraid of their reaction "What are you talking about? For how long?" Jace asks now looking concerned. "I don't want you to leave!" Luke yelled. Visenya sighed and leaned down to her youngest brother "I will always be with you, little brother. Even if I'm not here physically I'll still be watching over you and making sure your safe" she says with the best smile she could before ruffling his hair up "I don't know when I'll be back" she says to Jace.

"It may be a long time before I see either of you again, but just like I told him. I'll always be watching over you and if you ever need me I'm one letter away..okay?" She looked to Jace who had tears running down his face along with Luke. Seeing them bother crying for her finally made the tears fall from her eyes. She pulled them all into a hug "Tell mother I left already" Visenya whispered to Jace before she backed away. She heard the call of her dragon from the sky. She looked up to see the black dragon lowly descended to where they were standing barely being able to fit inside the courtyard.

She hooked her luggage to the saddle she had costumed made for her dragon. She knew he would not like wearing a saddle so she went with a lighter saddle that was hardly noticeable when looked upon unless you got up close. It was also black to match his scales of his body. "Visenya wait!" She hears Daemon call. She turns to face the man who now stood next to her 2 brothers. She walked up to him wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Visenya, I tried to talk her out of it" he says hugging the girl back. She only pulled away and looked at him "Thank you for teaching me how to use a sword" she says before turning once again to her dragon. The dragon leaned down the side of his body to allow her to walk up his wing before sitting on the saddle and hooking herself to the saddle. She looked at her brothers one last time seeing their face stained with tears. She turned to Daemon who only watched her and nodded saying it was alright. "Soves" she says to the dragon before talking off into the air seeing her family slowly disappear.

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