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     It had been nearly 6 years since Visenya has seen or talk to her family, besides a few rare letters to her brothers and still no letter from Aemond. Now a grown woman at the age of 16, she remained at Winterfell. The tale of her beauty was spread throughout the kingdom. By the time she was 14 she was already receiving marriage proposals, she denied every one of them tho. She had not wished to live in a loveless marriage.

    Not long after she had arrived she had grown to love the place and the people. She considered the people at Winterfell her people and they considered her as their family. Granted it did take awhile for the northerns to warm up to the girl. They all doubted the girl but she had soon proved different.

She trained for the entire 6 years. Only growing better by the day. She had even made it a point to travel to all the great Northern houses to train with them for month or two. She had wanted to learn every thing about fighting. That was her passion. She had grown to be one of the best Swordsmen in the North. She didn't fight like all the other men and that's exactly why she wins.

     She fights with 2 swords that were forged pacifically for her. They used a lighter metal so it was easier for her to handle both swords. Unlike normal swords were the end come to a perfect point, hers only the bottom came up to the edge causing like a half triangle shape, but just as deadly if not more. They were also slightly shorter then a normal sword. She was quicker then most men letting her maneuver around them and she didn't carry a shield unlike most. She relied on her swords to block the blows coming her way.

Instead of armor she wore thick, red, and black leather. Her pants were black leather with small patches of dark red leather with straps wrapping along her legs where two daggers could be found one attached to each thigh. The leather also wrapped around her waist like a corset with one strap going over one of her shoulders.

     Her other shoulder was covered by dragon scales that had fallen off of her dragon had been sewed into armor that actually ran underneath all the leather that covered her chest adding more protection. A leather belt wrapped around her waists and one each side a sword hung in its scabbard. A cloak that was blood red and the fabric was a velvety texture, was wrapped around her by two pieces of leather that crossed on her chest holding it in place. She also had pieces of leather wrapped around her wrists and random places on her arms.

Although she did not wear this everyday. She had only worn that when she was training, flying her dragon, or doing something in which she could not wear a dress. Any other time she wore black and red dresses, but not a normal red, a blood red. No one had known why she preferred that other normal red but no one dared ask. Unlike most girls she did not wear her hair in braids unless a special occasion. She liked to wear her hair down. Her hair ran down her shoulders to the bottom of her chest. Her bright purple eyes darkened over time and now her eyes rested as a dark violet.

She stood in her chambers with her two handmaidens, Anya and Ontari. She had picked them herself, two northern bastards. Ontari had jet black hair that's was long and wavy while Anya had light brown hair that was wavy. They stood behind her tightening the long black dress Visenya wore.

     It was decorated with rubies along her neckline that made a V in the middle of her chest. The dress was long sleeve to accommodate for the cold and she also had a fur cloak that nearly trailed behind her as she walked. "Where is Cregan this morning?" Visenya asked in a soft voice towards her handmaidens.

Visenya had told her handmaidens when they first started helping her that she wanted to them to keep an eye on things. "He is outside training, Princess" Anya said slightly brushing Visenya's hair out.

Once she was done Visenya thanked her and walked outside. The two girls followed behind Visenya as she walked to the courtyard. There she found Cregan, swinging his sword towards someone. The guy on the receiving end barley was able to block it in time. The guy threw one back but Cregan easily blocked it and quickly turned his sword towards his neck only stopping a couple inches away.

The guy backed up really quickly slightly laughing "Good job" the guy to Cregan and he withdrew his sword putting it back in its place that was attached to his hip. "And, you too" Cregan said backing away. He looked around him and spotting the dark brown hair from across the courtyard. Visenya smiled at him when he saw her. Cregan and Visenya had grew close over the years. She thought of him as a brother and he thought of her like a sister. She had helped him imprison his uncle and his kids a couple years ago, helping Cregan take full power of the North.

     "You look lovely today" Cregan says eyeing the dress. "How kind of you" she says smiling. The one person who could take Cregan in a fight was Visenya, naturally since they basically grew up together. She was there for him when his wife had died in childbirth around a year ago. The son lived though and Cregan named Rickon after his father. Visenya liked to think of herself as the kids Aunt.

     "Where's little Rickon" Visenya asked wanting to see the little boy. "He is up in his room with his wet nurse " he said to the princess. The boy was barely a year old. So he still needed to have wet nurse. "Princess Visenya" she heard someone say from behind her. There stood the Winterfell Maester. "A letter came from you from the King" he says holding out a rolled up sheet of paper that bare the kings sigil.

     Visenya looked down at the notes before talking it from the fingers of the Maester carefully. "Thank you, Maester" she says turning towards Cregan with a knowing look. She broke the seal and carefully unwrapped the piece of paper.

She read over the letter carefully. Vaemond Valaryon was petitioning himself for the Lord of the Tides. He meant to call my brother, Luke, legitimacy into question. Her grandsire had not even passed yet and he was already trying to grab at the throne. It was the Kings command for her to return to Kings Landing. Ser Vaemond had decided to bring it to the King's Counsel for a ruling on who should have the Driftmark throne. Only it was not a king who sits the Iron Throne. It was Alicent Hightower and her father.

     Although she had kept her distance from her family she didn't make sure to keep updated on everything that was happening so this came to no surprise to her, but it did surprise her that she was being demanded to show. Not once had they sent her a letter till now. "I must go to Kings Landing" Visenya said looking back up at Cregan. "Vaemond Valaryon wants to take the Driftmark Throne" She says after he gave her a questioning look. "He means to call Luke legitimacy into question" he finished for her to which she only nodded.

     "I must go, it was a command" she said looking down again. She hadn't seen her mother in 6 years, nor had she seen her brothers. They were almost grown men now. For a second her mind wondered to the blonde hair kid she had a crush on. Aemond Targaryen. She had not seen or heard from him since that night in Dragonstone, but not once did she ever forget. "I will be leaving in a couple hours" Visenya said.

     "You will not make it on time, Princess. It takes almost 2 weeks to get there on horse back" Cregan said reading the letter with his own eyes. "I will not be taking a horse. I will fly. I would like a nice long ride with Cannibal" she said. She called her dragon "The cannibal" to anyone who didn't understand High Valyrian. She only used the dragon High Valyrian name when speaking to the dragon. Any other time she called him "Black Night" or "The cannibal".

     "Do you think that wise consider what your going for" Cregan asked one time to make sure this is what she wanted to do "Yes. I will not make it otherwise" she said before walking away back to her chambers.

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