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     It's been 2 months sense she saw Aemond. She finally had talked to her brothers but still couldn't find the courage to tell them the truth. Visenya had been thinking about that night a lot recently. She knew something wasn't right but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. She eventually gave up on that idea as well. The longer she had stayed on Dragonstone, the more of a headache she had got. She didn't know why but soon after Aemond left, she started getting a headache that only got worse as time went on. She still avoided her mom as much as she could but that seemed to be useless since they lived in the same castle.

     You could see she had not been sleeping well at night. She had dark circles underneath of her dark purple eyes and looked exhausted. She on the other hand had somehow felt stronger. She didn't know why that was but she felt as if she could do anything. She walked along the beached where her and Aemond had meet. She hadn't heard anything from him after that night. She tried to send letters to him but never got anything in return. She wondered if he had been caught and that was why, but she figured it couldn't be that because surely they would tell her mom as well. Her mom still didn't know about their midnight ride and she was at least glad about that. She didn't think she could take being locked up anymore.

     She watched the sky hoping to see that giant dragon flying but never did. No matter how long she watched, the dragon never showed. She was slowly starting to lose hope of ever hearing from him again, but nonetheless she still sent letter hoping for one to return. She watched the grey and cloudy sky, the waves splashing up onto the beach, the way the sun slowly descended from the sky. Suddenly she saw a dragon. They dragon flew in the sky. It was all black from what she could see. It wasn't a dragon she knew. She watched as the dragon flew towards the sea and picking a few fish up with its mouth. She quickly stopped her movements not to catch the dragon attention.

     The headache she had not pounded against her skull causing her to grab the side of her head. She hunched over, squeezing her eye shut from the pain. What she hadn't notice is the dragon now flying towards her. She heard the flapping of the wings then she finally looked up and saw the huge dragon flying in the air in front of her. The dragon stared down at the girl. The cannibal, the girl realized. She knew the danger she was in. She knew of the dragons reputation. She had read something about him in a book. A wild dragon who ate dragon eggs and other small dragons. She knew she should run, but she didn't. She couldn't, her body wouldn't allow her to. The dragon landed on the beach shaking the ground beneath the girl. He was almost the size of Vhagar. The girl looked at the dragon in awe. He had teeth that was so big they hung out of his mouth. She could see the scars he had along his body which she assumed was from other dragons. He had bright red eyes with a undertone of red underneath his black scales. He had horns along his neck and tail with a few on the sides on him.

     The dragon let out a loud roar at the girl standing in front of him, but Visenya didn't move. He's breath smelled of something dead but she dared not to move. The dragon closed his mouth watching the girl as she slowly raised her hand up "Dohaeras" she said calm just loud enough for the dragon to hear her. "Dohaeras" she repeated taking a step forward to the dragon. The dragon lowed his snout to the dragon sniffing her. "Gevie"Beautiful she said looking at him. The dragon took a step closer to her "Lykiri" she said taking a step forward with the dragon. The dragon placed his snout on the girls hand. She watched with a smile realizing what this meant. This was her dragon. The headache she had was gone now as well.

She stepped closer taking in the tiny details of the dragon. The dragon pushed his head up against her nearly knocking her over. She wrapped her arms around the dragon hugging it. "Zōbrie bantis" Black night she said naming the dragon. "Do you like it?" She asking in High Valyrian. The dragon grumbles against her. She laughed and ran her hand along his scales. She watched as the dragon lowered his wing to the ground offering her to ride him. She gladly walks over and climbs his wing. She found a spot on his back and sat down. She gripped onto 2 horns that where on the back of his neck. She looked around noticing how far already she as off the ground just front sitting on top of him. She tighten her grip on the horns "Soves" she commanded.

The dragon ran gaining speed before pushing himself off of the ground. Visenya held on with every bit of strength she had. She tighten her legs around his back bracing herself till they made it into the air and leveled out. Visenya cheered from the sky's. Even people inside the castle heard her cheering from the sky. She ducked when she nearly flew into a bunch of birds but immediately started to burst out laughing right after. She felt the wind against her face and her hair flowing in the wind. She flew around the castle a couple of times before diving back towards the sea. Right before they were about to hit the water she pulled up and leveled him out once again. She cheered and hollered till everyone was out of the castle wanting to see what all the commotion was about. Rhaenyra stood outside with her sons and her husband hearing cheering. She looked up in the sky but saw nothing. That was until a giant black dragon fly directly over the castle causing everyone to bend down in a panic. The watched in horror when they realized which dragon it was. Or that was until Rhaenyra saw her daughter on top of the dragon.

Visenya never wanted to come back down. Up on the sky with her dragon was when she was at peace and she knew once she came back down she was going to be scolded by her mother. "Take me to your home" she said in High Valyrian. She didn't want to go back to the castle and where else would she go besides to where her dragon calls home. The dragon roared at her command turning and taking a new course. Her mother watched from the sky seeing the dragon sky away from the castle. Daemon stood watching the girl on the dragon. He never would have imagined someone would claim The Cannibal. They all stood in shock. Even the dragonkeepers watched in shock.

The dragon flew further in the land. Visenya looked around her taking in the villages on Dragonstone. She saw the people coming out of their house to watch the dragon. Hardly anyone ever saw The Cannibal, he mostly only flew at night to hunt but seeing a girl riding on the back of him was something no one ever imagined. The dragon flew to the other side of Dragonstone before landing on the beach. Visenya looked around her noticing a cave. The cave was ginormous.

Visenya slowly started to climb down the dragon. Lucky he had put out his wing to help her walk down. She slowly slide off of the dragon. She finally touched the ground and the dragon turn his head to look at her "Thank you for showing me your home" she said petting the dragon. The dragon closed his eyes feelings the girls fingers on his scales. It was now completely dark out and no doubt people had started looking for her but she did not care. She wanted to spend time with her dragon. She walked over to the cave seeing chard bones laying in a pile in the corner. Some goats, sheep, and other animals but what really caught her attention was the little dragon bones as well. The dragon followed her into the cave and made himself comfortable and laid down. Visenya soon realized how late it actually was when she felt the tiredness consume her. She yawned as she walked back over to the dragon who was now laying down.

She sat herself beside the dragon leaning her head onto his body feeling the warmth that came off of him. She shivered from the cold but the dread of going home still kept her in her place and decided this was where she would stay for the night. The dragon had seemed to sense that the girl was uncomfortable because not long after he had cover her entire body with his wing acting as a blanket. "Thank you, Zōbrie bantis" she said before slowly drifting to sleep for the first time in what seemed like forever.


Guys anything in Italics is High Valyrian

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