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     The very next morning they had sailed home. Visenya couldn't face Aemond to say goodbye. Not after what he said about my brothers. It was all she could think about. She wondered if he saw her like that then she realized he must have because they are her brother after all. They share the same dark brown hair that almost looked black in certain lighting. Visenya had always known it was not normal for a Targaryen to have almost black hair. Only now was she able to comfirm her suspicions. She hid behind a door listening to her mother and Daemon. She saw Daemon follow after her mother and she was not letting them get away this time.

     "Fire is such a strange power" her mother said as she watched Vhagar fly into the sky "Everything that House Targaryen possesses is owed to it. Yet it has costs us both what we loved" Her mother said. It was no secret what people said about Targaryens. That they were closer to gods then men. Her grandsire Viserys had told her that without the dragons we would be like any other human. "Perhaps, the Valaryons knew the truth of it. The sea is the better ally" Daemond said slightly agreeing with her mother. "Fire is a prison. The sea offer an escape." Her mother said. They went on rambling for a couple more seconds before they were quiet "I need you, Uncle" Her mother said and when he didn't say anything in return "I cannot face the greens alone" she said in High Valyrian "Let us bind our blood, just as Aegon the Conqueror did with his sisters. With you as my husband and prince consort, my claim would not be so easily challenged." Visenya knew she was right to follow. Visenya knew High Valyrian, she studied hour on end in the library till she was fluent.

To describe the way Visenya was feeling is anger, but even that is down played to the way she is feeling. What were they going to do with her father, Ser Laenor. She asked herself making herself stay hidden beneath the shadows. "The Valaryons are of the sea, but you and I... are made of fire. We have always been meant to burn together." Her mother finished saying. Daemon had now sit on the edge of the wall contemplating what her mother was saying "We could not marry unless Laenor were dead" Daemon finally pointed out the obvious. Visenya ears perked up at this. "I know" was all she had to say for Visenya to know what she was going to do. She was going to kill her father. Sure not her biological father but he's still her father.

Visenya turned to leave as she had heard enough but when she turned Daemon had already saw her out of the corner of his eye. Visenya ran through the castle hearing footsteps behind her. She ran until she made it out of the castle and she kept running. She wasn't sure where but she refused to be there with her mother and have to pretend everything fine. Visenya knew better then to tell her mom she knew. She knew her mother would likely lock her away till she managed to get away with what she's doing. She ran along the beach, she looked behind her to make sure no one was following her when she quickly made a turn to get back to the castle. She couldn't leave her father there knowing what's going to happen but she had to be smart about it.

Visenya ran all the way to the other side of the castle from where she had left. With luck then the guards will be over there looking for her. She quickly looked into the hallway of the castle seeing no one so she ran down the hall towards her fathers room trying to be as quiet as possible. She only ran that all her mind could think about. When she turned down the hallways to his chambers 2 guards stood outside. As they saw her they started yelling at her, Visenya turned around and tried to run as fast as her legs could carry her away from the guards. Just as she was about to get out her mother stood at the exist. Visenya turned around and saw the guards closing her in and her mother on the other side of her.

She turned to her mother "I won't let you do this" she said with a burning glare at her mother. Her mother looked at her wide eyed at the way she was acting. "I WONT LET YOU DO THIS" visenya screamed at the top of her lungs at her mother to prove that point. The guards ran up to her grabbing her by the arms. She tried to pull away but only failed. She screamed and cried and cursed as they dragged her through the halls. Granted they tried to make her walk but she had refused and they had been force to drag her to her room. "This is not the Visenya I raised" her mother said making her stop the antics for the second to look at her mother hurt. "This is exactly who you raised" I spat at her as another scream came through the girls throat right after. She was screaming bloody murder when they finally got her to her room. They threw her in quickly shutting the door and locking it.

"No!...no.no.no" Visenya yelled standing up banging on the door. "You can't do this!" She screamed. "If you do this I'll never forgive you" she yelled and banged and kicked and did whatever she could to try to brake down the door but it all proved to be useless. She dropped to the floor clutching her knees to her chest. She sobbed, her father was going to die...from the hands of her own mother. She stood up, tears running down her face, she walked to the closest thing she could find before destroying it. And that's what she did to everything in the room. She destroyed everything out of a fit of rage. Only when she was done did she then finally collapsed on the ground crying her heart out for her father. Visenya had debating on trying to escape out the window but quickly came to the conclusion she would die if she tried to take that fall. She knew there was no way out. All she could do was sit and wait for the news that her father had died.


All Visenya could think about was the scream that traveled through the castle the night of her father's death. Her grandmothers scream when she found out her son had died. And yet here she is, standing on a edge of a hill watching her mother and Daemon get married. She hadn't spoken a word to her mother since that morning.  Not when she had told Visenya her father was dead, and certainly not at her wedding. All she wanted to do was run. She knew she wouldn't get far so she stayed in her place silently. Her brothers hadn't seemed to mind the idea of them getting married. Visenya decided not to tell her brother about what her mother had said. Visenya already hated her own mother, she didn't want the same for Luke and Jace.

     The knife was handed to Daemon first. He raised the knife to her mother lower lip and dragging it down making a cut. Daemon then took the blood and made a symbol with it on top of her moms head. When he had finished her mom repeated the same thing to him. Visenya couldn't deny the beauty of the wedding. How much more emotional it was compared to other ones. This seemed more intense. Sharing blood. The both cut a slit in the palm of their hand "Hen lantoi ānogar, Va syndroti vāedroma" The priest spoke as the two joined hands. The priest brings a cup underneath their hands collecting the blood that dropped down.
Blood of two, Joined as one,

     "Mēro perzot gīhoti, Elēdroma iārza sīr" the priest continued as Rhaenyra brought the cup up to her lips taking a drink of the blood mixture in the cup. They still held hands as Daemon then took the cup and drank it. Ghostly flame, and song of shadows,

"Izuli ampã perzi, Prümi lanti sëteksi"

"Hen jeny mazilarion, Qelossa ozûndesi"

"Syndroro oño jedo, Ry kīvia mazvestraksi"

     The priest finished speaking and they looked at each other and smiled. Visenya looked at them only feeling the desire to leave. Her mom looked in love but Visenya didn't care even if she was. She killed her father and She meant what she said. She would never forgive her mother. She only watched them with hate. Visenya told herself that as soon as she gets a dragon she's leaving.


"Two hearts of embers, forged in fourteen fires, a future promised in glass, the stars stand witness, the vow spoken through time, of darkness and light"

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