What's the Difference?

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Enid's Thoughts:

So maybe Enid woke up with Wednesday's arms wrapped tightly around her. And maybe it was the absolute best feeling in the whole world. She was trying to contain herself though, she didnt want to disturb Wednesday. Who was sleeping like a literal baby.

"Wednesday, darling?" Enid gave Wednesday's side a slight tickle to see if it would wake her.

Wednesday gave zero reaction, of course a girl like her would be impervious to tickles.

"Enid, your attempt at waking me is feeble at best. No better than chopping my head off, if you really want me awake I suggest telling me there is a fire that I must come watch." Wednesday spoke with her eyes still closed, not moving in the slightest.

"Also, I am no one's darling. Keep trying." Wednesday was up now, releasing her hold around Enid with ab almost sheepish attitude.

"Where are you goingggg" Enid whined, pouting at her partner with her best puppy dog eyes, she was a werewolf after all.

"Do not pout. We have work to do in the library today." Wednesday had already gathered her clothes and walked into her bathroom. Leaving Enid to ponder on when their dynamic will change, or if it ever will.

Enid of course knew Wednesday was bad with expressing her feelings. She had thought after last night though that she had shown Wednesday at least a little bit that it was okay to be open.

She just wasnt sure what it'd take to make the shorter girl comfortable. This caused her to wring her hands together, nerves getting the better of her.

She still barely understood Wednesday, so what's different now?

She just needed some reassurance here.

Wednesday walked out of the bathroom then, braids perfectly done. How she managed to be so effortlessly gorgeous in less than 30 minutes Enid would never understand. Must be some Addams family magic.

Wednesday looked over at Enid, it looked almost like she was waiting for something. Anything from Enid really.

They just kind of stared for a moment in silence and when Wednesday's eyebrows furrowed together as she turned to leave. Enid knew, she'd missed something.

*Wednesday's thoughts*

"I thought I made my intentions very clear." Wednesday spoke to Thing, they had made it to the library, it was a second floor room but also carried into the 3rd floor. The room was full of decades old books. Most of them Wednesday had already memorized.

Some of her favorites were by Stephen King, although she was not often a fiction reader she appreciated his work in horror. It is what helped her write her own fictitious novel about Viper.

Although nobody else knew that.

"Did you actually say 'Enid, join me'"? Thing tapped on her shoulder.

Wednesday was instantly filled with anger. Of course she had invited Enid with her, it was preposterous to...

"No, I supposed I did not explicitly ask her to join me. Although I thought she knew of our research plan to find werewolf courting information." Wednesday snapped, she hated when the stupid hand was right. He would likely gloat about this later.

"How can you expect her to know you want her to come without asking?" He tapped right back, for a hand he was overly smug.

"I guess I can not." Wednesday relented. She was not about to turn back now though, the library was a 3 hour expedition. There were so many werewolf books Wednesday had never even seen.

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