A Slap Can Ground You.

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The day consisted of Katsuki talking to many irritating people. Mostly human resources, public relations, and lawyers. It was annoying and Katsuki hated that he had to lay everything out to people he didn't know really well. He wasn't a liar and if he wants to seek justice then he needs to be honest. The other people that got hurt don't deserve to be let down. It's just a little difficult because deep down in the basement of Katsuki's heart He still has a glimmer of care for Yume. He knows it's wrong, but the guy's had a tough life. How can you expect to be normal after accidentally killing your own mother then being abandoned by your father. Katsuki knew how hard it was in Izuku when his father left and never came back. He can't imagine himself being in that situation. Masaru loved him even when Katsuki wasn't a very good son.

That's how a father should be though. They should love you through the good, the bad, and the ugly. All parents should be like that but Yume's weren't. So Katsuki cared for him when he had nothing because he also sort of felt that way. Katsuki was hurt when he found out he was being cheated on even though he should have guessed it would happen. He didn't know Yume very long really but knowing he was talking to Inasa was worse. He never should have let them meet. Katsuki knew it was a bad idea to let Shouto and Insasa visit yet he couldn't turn them away. The blonde has gotten too soft over the years so soft that he's not really sure where his edges are now. Maybe he can find them again with Izuku.

Speaking of him. He had offered to be with Katsuki while he spoke to higher ups but the taller told him he wanted to do it alone. Izuku had to work anyway, Katsuki didn't want to make him take a day off. After running through his side of the story and being prepped by the lawyers on what they will do for his case he headed home feeling some weight lift off his chest. Tomorrow he would have to get a physical and psychiatric evaluation before he can be cleared for work. He's itching to be back on the field. Katsuki just wants to go back to some normalcy. Something he knows like the back of his hand. Other than Izuku that is. He can't wait to go back to working with him.


Izuku couldn't believe what he heard as he looked over at Katsuki. He hadn't been home for very long. They had discussed Katsuki's day and how he was feeling then it moved to talking about Izuku who didn't really have much to say since it had been a slow day at work. Then after mindlessly mentioning that he needs to renew the lease in his apartment Katsuki shrugged and suggested they move in together. Like it was something easy to say. It slipped right out. Izuku wasn't sure whether he was touched by the suggestion or worried. What if they were moving too fast? What if Katsuki was just asking because he felt like he needed to because Izuku mentioned his lease was almost up? What if that's not really what either of them want? No, Izuku really wants it. That's definitely true but does Katsuki? He seems to like his own place a lot. It's catered to him so much it would be weird for Izuku's stuff to take up room in the house. He just wasn't sure really.

"What?" Izuku asked

"I just thought it would be better, you know?" Katsuki looked over at him after wiping his mouth since they had finished dinner

The blonde put the dirty napkin on his empty plate.
"Your apartment is nice and all, but I gotta house and it's not gonna get trespassed unless they break through the entrance gate." He said then realized maybe Izuku didn't want to live there with him

"Unless you would rather me move in with you. I'm fine with that too. I just wanna live with you." Katsuki said

He knew he sounded a little desperate. It was the truth though. After going over his side of the whole event all he wanted to do was go home to Izuku but the smaller wasn't there. Granted he had still been working but Izuku could have went back to his own house instead. Katsuki we just wanted him close, in his arms, in his space. He's clingy but he doesn't want Izuku to leave him. He'd do anything to keep from it. Talking to the lawyers dug up some insecurities and reopened some old wounds. Katsuki was scared that if he put things off they might end up like his relationship with Shindou or Yume and the blonde isn't sure he can handle another heartbreak like that.

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