Chapter 3

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You woke up and looked at the clock. 7 am. Strange for you, but still not too early. Something was telling you the adventure from yesterday still hadn't ended. So you got up, got dressed and went to open the front door. When saw him.

He was curled up at your doorstep, sleeping. He surely looked adorable, his eyes closed and his face so peacful, it looked like this place was familliar to him. For a while, you couldn't move. You just stood there staring, not being able to take your eyes off of the sight.

Was it really happening? The creature from the photo coming here? What was he even doing? Who set that photo on the tree? You realised you didn't know anything about him, and that there was something going on about all of this.

Finaly, you came to your senses and ran back in, curling up yourself on the couch. It was just so overwhelming. You shut your eyes closed and prayed for a miracle to happen. Luckly, your mom came into the living room and sat next to you.

"Y/n, what's wrong?", she asked, stroking your back. "He...he's sleeping on our doorstep", you said. "He?", she asked. "The creature...don't you remember?". "Ahh, yeah I know now", she frowned again. "Can you go pick him up?", you asked. "You go, why would I do it for you?", she gently pushed you forward and you got up.

You came back to the door, to that sight that froze you. As you bent down and craddled him in your arms, you could feel the soft fur beneath your fingers. Taking care of a poor child really was a blessing. If he was one. You layed him down on the couch and went to your room to set a matress for him to sleep on.

Wakko's eyes fluttered open and he found himself on someone's couch. He looked out of the window and saw it was the same place he came to last night. He was glad whoever lived there brought him in. It didn't last long though.

You walked back to the living room and found him awake and sitting on the couch. You stepped in front of him and for a while, you just stared at eachother. Finaly, you were the first one to speak up. "I set you a matress next to my bed". At that he curled up again and you sat down next to him, not taking your eyes off of him.

"Hey, I know you're going trough a hard time and all, so I just want to help, ok?". He slowly turned his gaze towards you. "Why are you staring at me like that then?", he asked, sounding annoyed. You turned your head away and sighed, "Fine, I won't". "And making me sleep in your room is helping?".

You sighed again, "Fine, sorry, you can sleep on the couch then". Then you looked at him again, "I'm y/n by the way, nice to meet you". "Nice to meet you too, I'm Wakko", he said, forcing a smile as the two of you shoock hands. " need help?", you asked. "Not from you", he said.

You stared at him in wonder, "Why? I mean, I basicaly picked you up from there". "You?", he was shocked, but tried to hide it, "But why?". " mom made me", you said and chuckled a little. Wakko frowned, "I don't understand". "And you won't until you don't trust me", you said in a serious tone.

Wakko sighed, "I...I don't know". "Listen. This is really important to me, and if you don't, it's going to be a lot harder, ok?", you said. And you meant it. "But what's important to you?", he asked. "To help you", you said, "Or maybe you don't need help?".

"I do, but...", he stopped and looked straight at you, "What can you do to help?". "I don't know", you said, "Not until you tell me what happened". Wakko sighed heavily and got the first paper from behind his back. "Ok, so you can do that", you commented along, knowing how many strange things non-human beings could do.

As you took the paper from him, you read the title aloud, "Episode 95. Horray For North Hollywood, part one". You also read the note under it, "Schmoozing. Flirting with people the same gender as you to get what you want". You kept reading to yourself and Wakko perked over your shoulder every now and then to explain who was who from the characters.

"Ok, so you're supposed to-" "I was". You looked at him, "You were?". He didn't say anything, so you just kept reading. At one moment, you came across a song. "You Gotta Do The Schmooze", you read out loud. Wakko covered his face with his hands, "Please don't read that".

You put your hand on his shoulder, but he jerked it away. He took the paper from you and put it aside. Then he got out another one, this time it was a photo. You took it and stared at the three creatures looking sad. "Last day on set", you read out loud. "Those are my siblings", he said, "We had to cry for the cameras".

"Yeah, you look so much alike", you said. Wakko shoock his head, "But we're not". "What do you mean?", you asked. "They could handle it, unlike me". "So, can I help you now?", you asked. "I guess you can", he said under his breath.

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