Chapter 10

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You went to the bathroom and washed yourself, coming out as nothing had happened. Still feeling weak though, you went to the living room and saw Wakko sitting on the couch. So you sat next to him, not looking at him. "Hey", you said quietly.

"Oh, hey", he looked at you. There was a moment of silence before he asked, "Are you ok?". You snapped your head towards him and for a moment, you just stared at eachother. Then you gripped his hand tighly, "Come on". You got up and went out.

"Why are we going-", Wakko wanted to ask, but you interrupted him, "Brace yourself". You went into the park and came to that tree with the paper. When he saw it, he gasped in shock. "This is how I met you", you said. His eyes widened as the terrible realisation hit him, "They're looking for me...".

You couldn't say anything at that. All you could think about was how weak you felt and how you had to do anything, just to make him smile that way again. "Don't worry", you said, looking at him, "You need to cheer up".  "What? How can I cheer up when-". At that you eased your grip on his hand to the point it was gentle.

"Hey, what're you-". "Don't worry", you said, "Nothing bad will happen". Eventually, you came to a beach and stopped. "So, how does it feel to be out again?", you asked. Wakko hesitated, "It's...I don't know". "Listen", you said, taking his hands and looking straight at him, "You have to stop hesitating. I mean, look at the world around you! You're free! Wasn't that your goal? Didn't you run away to be free?".

He stared at you with a frown. "I ran away because I felt like not belonging there", he said. "And to break free from-", you started, but then realised what he had just said, "'ve never told me that...". Which only meant yet another reason for doing this. "I didn't tell you because...well, I think you know why" he said. You sighed, "Whatever. Just...let it go, alright?".

And he did. You guys ended up playing on the beach and for the first time, you both felt like having no care in the world. Just like real friends. You came home exhausted. "See?", you asked, "It's not difficult, it's not dangerous, it's nothing!". Wakko just nodded contently. "But...", he said, "Can I...ask you something?". "Sure", you smiled. "Do you think this will work?", he whispered.

"What will work? Everything will work, don't let that bother you", you said, "Do you still trust me?". He nodded. "Then you don't have to worry", you smiled again. Wakko seemed to appreciate it, because he gave you a weak smile as well. Forced it, to be exact. He didn't want to smile at you, it made him feel worried of what you'd do. Yes, he started to notice your behaviour ever since that night you screamed and cried, and it made him feel rather anxcious.

She Loves MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora