Chapter 13

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Just at that moment, Wakko came back and placed the tea on the coffee table. "Oh, great job", your mom said, "I'll go make breakfast now, ok?". You nodded and she headed to the kitchen. You got up to take a sip and then layed back down. Wakko sat down next to you.

You kept staring at the ceiling, still thinking this wasn't supposed to happen. No, you just couldn't accept it. You kept blaming yourself for it. At one point, you just couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Wakko?" "Yes?" "Are we...friends?", you asked. "Of course, why?", he asked. " you want to be friends with me?" "Come on y/n, don't be so awkward", he said.

Just at that moment, your mom called you for breakfast. After you were done, you slumped back on the couch and Wakko sat next to you. "Is it any better?", he asked. "No", you said. After a while, you felt two arms wrap around you. "Hey, what're you doing?", you asked, knowing it was Wakko. "Comforting you, what?", he was confused.

You sighed, falling  limp. You just couldn't do anything about it. But you promised yourself one thing. Tomorrow, when you felt better, you were going to show him what love felt like. You smiled at the tought. And enjoyed the moment. Wakko felt it and let go of you. "You feel better?", he asked. You turned to face him, "I think you need cuddles for a change".

And with that, you hugged him. One step forward. An even bigger smile crept to your face. Hugging back, Wakko couldn't help nor stop thinking about how much you cared for him. And it made him feel something he was very much afraid to feel. Something that made him not want to trust you.

"Y/n...", he looked up at you, "I...I'm having...butterflies...". You chuckled at that, "Don't worry, it'll go away". But it didn't. And it hurt. It hurt how he was experinencing it. He didn't want it. No matter what, he couldn't let go of the past and face the future. And it made him cry.

"Aww...", you quietly said, seeing tears coming from his eyes, "Hey...don't cry, I'm here...". You gently stroked his back. "Please let me go...", he whimpered. You did and sat up, watching him curl up there on the couch and practicly fighthing himself off. He just couldn't stop looking adorable. What was worse, it wasn't his fault.

You kind of started to belive that those who had drawn him made him look like that to make all those things you had read from those papers look like he was a genuine part of it. While in reallity, he wasn't. He was adorable found him adorable. They were just teasing you with that photo. At that you felt a sting of pain and anger.

"If you keep doing this, I might start crying as well", you said, still looking at him. So he sat up as well and hugged you, still crying. His head landed on your chest and you hugged him back. "Shh, it's ok", you whispered. You honestly emphatized with him, still feeling pain in your chest. This was a big challenge for you. You had to comfort him without showing how much you loved him.

You sat him on your lap, you guys still hugging. He rested his head on your shoulder and you gently pressed your lips against his cheeck. Bad idea. "Y/n...please don't...", even more tears came out. So you rested your chin on his shoulder. "Don't worry", you said, "It'll get better soon". "What're you even doing to me...?!", he whimpered. "You don't have to be alone", you said.

"And what if I want to?", he asked. He let go of you and stood infront of you, his eyes still teary. "You were going to be careful, you promised", he said. You stared at him, frowning. "I...I'm so sorry...", you said and sighed, " don't have to be here...just please don't cry in front of me". So he left.

You sat there, feeling stupid for doing this. Well at least you tried. Your mom came into the room and sat on the couch next to you. "Is it better?", she asked. You sighed, "Who cares?". She looked directly at you, "You argued again". "Mom!", you snapped at her, "That can't be called an argument. We weren't shouting, were we?".

She sighed, "Ok, I get it. What happened then?". You told her everything that happened. "Oh sweetie", she said in the end, "I know both of you are hurt. And your decision is great, ok? As soon as you get better, just go and tell him", she made a wave with her hand as to show you to go. You hugged her tighly, "Thank you so much mom".

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