Chapter 14

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The rest of that day you rested on the couch while Wakko stayed in your room and occasionaly came to the living room to check up on you. "Did you try to find anything in there?", you asked, wanting to make sure he didn't feel suspicious. Wakko just shoock his head.

The next day you felt better, but also, your hands were sweating like crazy while thinking if it was the right time. This lasted for the whole morning because you had a feeling he hadn't recovered from the previous day yet. "Y/n, what is it?", he asked, sitting on the couch and smiling at you, finding it funny.

You quirked an eyebrow at him, "First, it's not funny". "And second?". "There's no second", you said and left. You tried avoiding him as much as you could, but it wasn't such a success, since both of you were home and he would sometimes follow you. It so felt like he was ready to forgive you, still you knew there was no time for such things, even if he already had.

Finaly, the afternoon came and you went to the couch, shaking like a leaf. "I can't pretend anymore", you blurted out as you stood in front of him. Wakko frowned a little and whispered "Uh oh", under his breath. You slowly walked over to him and took his hand, getting him up from the couch. Your hand was still covered in sweat, your heart was racing and your cheecks turned light pink.

You lead him to your room and slowly closed the door, leaving you to deal with eachother. You went to the player and stopped, turning your gaze towards him. "Ok", you said, "Let's play a game. I press the button, the world explodes. I don't, and turn into a zombie". Wakko looked up at you, his eyes wide with fear and worry, shaking just a little.

"Do it", he said, sounding dramatic. You turned some slow music on and came over to him, taking his hands in yours and looking him straight in the eyes, "Promise me you won't cry this time", you whispered. Then you gently hugged him and started dancing. Surprisingly, soon he hugged you back and stared at you with the same expression. You felt butterflies creeping into your stomach as you danced like that for a while.

Then you looked down at him and saw him staring at you. You brought him closer to you and suddenly your faces were centimetres apart. So he leaned his head on your chest and you just held him like that for a brief moment. Then you continiued dancing, Wakko staring at you again. After the music died down, you let go of eachother, staring in some kind of disbelief.

It seemed like nothing, while it felt like a big step forward. For both of you. Something was just so tense about the whole thing. Like you said, the world was exploding in your minds. Both of you were stunned by how easy it was to just go into it as if nothing had happened before. Still, it was good to know you were able to go trough it. just...felt good.

You walked over to the door, Wakko following you. You two went to the living room and curled up on the couch, both blushing. Wakko still couldn't understand the whole thing about having such feelings. It annoyed him. At one moment, he couldn't even breathe. Neither could you. There was something going on. The world literaly stopped.

There was a feeling of longing hanging in the air. And it kept growing stronger. Until he couldn't do it anymore. Wakko slowly reached out as his fingers landed on your arm. At that moment you turned your gaze towards him and saw him staring, for the third or fourth time. He had that weird expression on his face, as if not sure how to feel.

You couldn't say anything about it. After all, it was you again who did this. And it was even more awkward this time. There was no way back now. You just couldn't understand how you were supposed to help him other than this way. How you couldn't do anything about it. The most surprising thing though, was that you actually succeeded. Due to the blush on his face.

Wait, what?? This really was happening? That was it? You felt somehow guilty again for making him- at that very moment, he slowly started to get closer to you. You quickly grabbed his hand and held it tight. There was a chance of getting hurt again. So if he was really about to do this, you had to be there for both. Yeah, this may sound like giving birth, but it can be said that there was love being born.

Wakko kept going slowly and hesitantly, the promise about not breaking down constantly lingering in his mind. He stopped once you could practicly feel eachother's breath. This was the closest he had got to you so far. Every time you tought about such things, you'd only feel a mixture of hurt and guilt. It just seemed wrong all the time. You considered yourself a caretaker and a friend, nothing else. And just as you tought he'd back away, he didn't.

Maybe it was the grip of your hand. Or the impact you made with the dance. Probably the second thing. But the effort you put into your relationship with him was showing right then and there. And the best thing in your opinion, was that there was little to no passion and a lot more unsureness. And there were a few reasons why. First, it was cute, as everything else.

And secondly, it didn't seem like an enforcement. Wakko was actually afraid of passion. While on the other hand, many people would see it as an enforcement, which made sense. In this case, it meant really wanting to love and not disrespect. Which was Wakko's point of view, and you appreciated it. So from feeling worried about him, you ended up feeling glad and accepted what you had actually got yourself into.

It went slow, like a practice. Though calling it so would be teasing. It was surprising how you could hold eye contact and blush at the same time. It was surprising how you even dared to do this after everything that had happened. But what was beyond belief, was that despite all of the reasurings that Wakko was extremely sensitive, this happened.

Breaking away, he stared at you with a frown, thinking if this was a good idea. The whole time neither one of you wanted to utter a single word, staying still and steady, firmly gripping your hands. Your breaths were heavy, being held every so often, because you didn't want to make a sound. All in all, you were stuck.

Then again, there was some kind of a force bringing you slowly back. You lightly wrapped your arms around him while he desperately tugged on your shirt. It seemed like you were helping him all along, like teaching him how to do something worth a lot of practice. While it was much more than that. Going trough something that caused panick attacks and stopped him from trusting was a huge thing to deal with.

So it went on like that. Slowly, yet unsurely, until you actually...calmed down. Letting go of eachother, you just stared, your faces flushed red, your hearts racing. Again, it was you who offered a hand for him to take. "It's ok", you whispered, "Come here". Wakko slowly crawled to you and took your hand. You wrapped your other arm around him and sat him on your lap.

As you let go of his hand, you gently hugged him while he buried his face in your neck. "It'll be fine...", you whispered, stroking his back.

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