Chapter 15

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You sighed, still hugging a now trembling Wakko in your lap. "Hey, you did it", you whispered in his ear, making him nuzzle deeper into your neck, his face a strange mixture of pale and slightly darker shade of pink. "Aww...", you said, "That's not what it's all about".

He kept quiet, not being able to speak. He shoock with such tension, you were already making up a plan about how to get him out of yet another panick attack. "You ok there?", you whispered again. Nothing. "Hey, look at me", you said, picking him up and turning him to face you.

You sat him on your lap again, staring at yet another adorable face he'd made. "Be honest. Do you love me?", you asked in a serious tone. Still nothing, not even a nod. So you sat him down on the couch, next to you. "That better?", you asked. This time he nodded. "Ok, you want to talk?", you asked. Wakko shoock his head and you hugged him.

"Can I talk then?", you whispered. "O-ok...", he stuttered. You sighed and started something that sounded like a speech. "When I first saw that picture of hit me. Like, I couldn't breathe and all. I was going all nuts before I even knew you. And to be completely honest with you, it annoyed me. How we all fall for the sight first. It's so unfair. But then you actually...came here".

"And almost passed out because you were being all...too quick and-" "I know. And I'm sorry", you interrupted, "I tried to help you then without being...suspicious, but...I guess I kinda failed...". You sighed and went silent for a moment. Then continiued, "You know that time I screamed and cried?". Wakko sighed, "Tell me about it".

"I honestly have no idea what came over me", you said, "It was just...hard. But don't worry, it's not your fault". "I know", he said, "It's theirs. All of it". "So I tried to help", you went on, "But you were just too sensitive and I didn't want to hurt you". Wakko looked at you and you felt it so you turned your gaze towards him as well. "At least that can't compare to what they'd done to me", he said.

"Hey, let me show you something", you said, letting go of the hug and taking his hand. You went back to your room and got that drawing out, giving it to him. "You really do love me", he said with a smile, looking back at you. You blushed, seeing his adorable smile. "That's why I've told you all of this", you say, "That's why I drew that and didn't show you until now so you don't get hurt. That's why I smiled yesterday. That's why this all happened. Because it had to. You have to admit it".

Wakko stared at you in confusion. How could he admit it when...when what? "Just let it go, will you?", your words from a few days back suddenly came into his mind. " I ready to let go...?", he asked. You just reached your arms out for a hug and said softly, "I'll help you, you can't escape that one. I'm sorry, but guess you're stuck here with me".

You couldn't help but smile widely while saying that. "Y/n...?", he looked up at you again, "Did we just...kiss?". "Oh, silly!", you giggled as you came to him and grabbed his hands, wrapping him up in your pure warmth, "Get out of there", you said quietly, your face close to his head, "You're not supposed to sing or whatever you've been doing there. They don't deserve you nor you deserve to be there".

"And...and what about my family?", he asked, looking up at you again. "We'll explain to them", you said. "You mean they're really looking for me?", asked Wakko. "You mean if they do?", you smiled. Wakko shoock his head, "I want to see them one lasr time". "Ok", you smiled again, "Until then...".

You leaned down, your face inches away from his. "You oughta know you're the most adorable creature I've ever seen", you whispered before gently brushing your lips against his own, sending a dreadful shiver trough him.

A/n: yeah I know this sounded creepy but why not change things a bit?
The end
Hope you like it:)

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