Chapter 11

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The next morning, you came into the living room to find Wakko still laying on the couch. "Good morning", you said as you sat down, staring at him. He looked so cute like that. "Morning...", he mumbled. As he turned his gaze towards you, he frowned. It annoyed him how you had to suffer because of what he was going trough.

You felt guilty for staring at him, so you turned your gaze down. "Y/n...?". You lifted your head back up and saw that he was now sitting across from you. "Can I smile?", he asked. For some reason, you laughed. "Hey, it's not funny", he said, "We're a mess. You and I". "Me?", you asked, "A mess? How am I able to help you then?". "There's something motivating you", Wakko replied.

You got up and started walking towards the kitchen, "I don't want to talk about it". "Ok", was all he said as he followed behind you. Now that annoyed you. He understood. It was just so unfair. You were helping him, and now he wanted to take a risk at letting you do what you wanted. You didn't have a problem with helping him, so there was no point in comforting you just because...

"I'm sorry for not beliving you", he said. "There's nothing to apologize for", you said, "I think you actually stopped beliving yourself. Like you have lost self esteem". By that time you sat across from eachother and started eating your breakfast. "I guess you're right", said Wakko, "So now I'm trying to get it back".

"Well you can't do it alone", you said. "And you can't help me", he said. "Yes I can". "How?", he crossed his arms. You sighed, "The truth is...I don't know!". Suddenly, you just got up, gripped his hand tighly again and started looking for your mom. "Good morning. You need something?", she asked once you found her. You sighed again, this was going to hurt. "Can we do whatever we want with our minds?", you asked.

She stared at you in confusion before chuckling, "Y/n, I told you. Do what your feelings tell you". "But what if we loose control?" "Come on, you're smart enough not to", she said. "Ohh, I didn't know that!", you snapped. All that time, Wakko kept staring at both of you, feeling concern. "Sweetie, don't be angry at me, it's not my fault that you're making your life hard", your mom said.

Wakko looked at you in shock, "You hear what she's saying? You're trying too hard". "But I need to-". "Y/n stop", your mom interrupted you, "You don't. And by the way, this is not a good thing to talk about in the morning". You sighed, "Fine", and let go of Wakko's hand, both of you heading back to the kitchen.

After breakfast, you sat back on the couch and you hugged him while he broke down one last time. It was all so overwhelming and he had to let it all out before starting this...something, whatever you had in your mind. All he knew was that you were trying to make him let go of the terrible memories and start thinking differently.

The rest of the day, you did whatever you wanted. Well, mostly played, both outside and inside. You also read him that book. After you finished, you looked at him, "Can I do something for you? Anything?". "Whatever you want", he said. So you went towards the front door, Wakko following. Once there, you shouted, "Hey you! Wakko doesn't belong there, you hear me?!".

When you turned back around, Wakko was staring at you with wide eyes and he was making this strange face, as to not break down again or do something out of joy. You blushed a little, "What?", you asked, smiling widely. Instead of an answer, he just hugged you, his own face breaking into a huge smile. "Aww", you said and gave him a peck on the forehead.

At that he backed away, looking at you with a surprised expression. "Sorry", you said, "Couldn't help it". You went back in and sat down on the couch again. "So", you said, "Now that we've got this out of the way...what do you want to do?". "Go to the cinema", he blurted out. You gasped, "Really? Are you ready for that?".

"As long as you're with me", he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat. Had he really said that? You felt so proud at that moment, you just grabbed his hand and stood up, "Well then, let's go!".

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