Chapter 12

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You headed for the movie theater, holding hands. Not because of some intimacy, but because you kept Wakko from freaking out. You picked a romantic drama, because anything labeled "comedy" or "action" wasn't a good choice for him. It all went smoothly with everything, and you were just focusing on the movie, until that one part where the two people were about to kiss.

You caught yourselves  mimicking the leaning in, and quickly turned away from eachother. You blushed real hard and Wakko sank into his seat. You watched the scene on the screen and it frightened you to think you had almost done it. So you turned your gaze towards him and saw him in that position. It was telling you everything. So you wrapped an arm around his neck and whispered, "I'm sorry".

You sat back, staring at him and waiting for some kind of a reaction. He slowly turned his head towards you and caught you staring. Again. But this time you didn't give up. "Do you want to go home?", you asked. He shoock his head. "You think you can make it?", you asked. He nodded. It was easier for him to watch the novie than talk to you at that moment.

You sat trough the rest of the movie and then went home, keeping a distance. Once there, you said goodnight to eachother and went to sleep. It was all so awkward. Neither one of you wanted it to end like this. But it was you who wasn't thinking straight. And you still felt pretty sorry for that. That night, you woke up with a pretty bad stomachache.

Even you didn't know why, but the first tought on your mind was to wake Wakko up. So after you went to the toilet, you came into the living room and sat next to him on the couch. First, you stared down, the pain in your stomach unbearable. You didn't know what to do. You had already apologized, but...maybe in a wrong way. Still, you felt confused.

You looked at hlm. He never stopped being cute, yet another thing that annoyed you. Your heart was pounding as you rapidly tought wether to do something, anything, or not. This was a rather fatal decision to you. You didn't want to disturb him, but you just couldn't sleep because of the pain and you wanted to talk to him.

Finaly, you lifted his head and layed it on your lap. You gently stroked his head, even though it felt wrong to you. It was the one thing that could get your mind off of the pain you felt. At one moment, he woke up and looked at you in shock. "Y/n...", he slowly whispered, "What're you doing here?". "Oh...h-hey", you said, feeling uncomfortable, "I...I'm so sorry...for both yesterday and now...".

"There's nothing to apologize for", he said with a smile. Your heart skipped a beat again. You surely were close by now. You sighed heavily, "My stomach hurts. A lot". At that, he placed his hand on it, "That better?". "No no no, it's ok, you didn't have to-". "Why not?", he asked, "After everything you have done to me...".

No, you couldn't say anything to that. For a while, you just stayed in that position. "I...I can't sleep", you said. "I know", said Wakko. You looked down at him. It all seemed so perfect, yet so wrong. You just couldn't get the tought out of your head. Your converstations, hang outs, everything was never going to be the same again. Ever. And it was all because of you.

With that, both you and Wakko fell asleep. In the same position. When you woke up the next morning, your back hurt as well and you let out a small gasp when you felt your hand on his forehead and his on your stomach. Your heart sank. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Now things were going to be so awkward... "Morning y/n". You looked down again to see him smiling at you.

"Oh...morning...", you replied. Why had you done this?! At that moment, you felt so stupid for not dealing with this yourself. It didn't matter to you if you would stay up almost until the morning, at least you wouldn't feel this way. "Hey...what is it?", he asked, still smiling. "N-nothing...", you stuttered. "Do you want to lay down for change?", he asked.

You just nodded, not wanting to deal with him. So he got up and you slowly layed down on the couch, staring at the ceiling. "Does it hurt a lot?", he asked. "Yeah...", you said, "Can you please go tell my mom? And no, you can't take care of me, understand? You can help her do it and perhaps learn how to make tea".

He chuckled. "No Wakko", you said, "It's not funny". "I actually know how to make tea", he said. "Oh yeah?", you asked, "And where did you learn- oh wait. You're a toon, you can do literaly anything. Sigh, fine then, do whatever you want". He smiled and went into the kitchen. Not long after, your mom came. "Good morning, what is it? You ok?", she asked.

You sighed, "My stomach hurts". "Really?", she asked, "Why didn't you- ah, now I know". "Mom...", you whimpered, "Don't talk like that". "What?", she asked, "Did something happen yesterday?". At the mention of yesterday, you shivered. It was just embarrasing. You contenplated wether you would tell her or not. "Come on y/n...answer me or don't, I can't wait here forever", she complained.

You motioned for her to sit on the couch. After she did, you whispered the whole story to her. In the end, she stroked your hair a little, "Aww, isn't that cute?", she quietly asked. "No", you said, "It's awkward".

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