"Lime and Lemons,"

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I hate this.
There's nothing on Densuke Fukuda.

I growled as I threw my paper away. "Ugh!" I growled. Miyuka leaned to look at my computer. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked. "I'm researching for homework," I lied. "Megumi said there's no assignment," Miyuka said. "Well, I suck at Social Studies, so to pump up my grade I have to do this," I lied again.

"Shoots liar," Miyuka said bluntly.
"What!?" I asked in disbelief. This guy has a hard time remembering stuff. How can he know I'm lying?

"Y/n, Megumi tells me when there's homework and when there are times to bump up grades," he sighed. "And no one from your school told me that they gave something to do to make their grade go up. Also, it's the start of the school year." Miyuka reasoned.

"Ugh, fine," I groaned, practically giving up at this point. "Now, what are you doing?" He
asked again. "I'm researching Densuke Fukuda. Heard of him?" I asked. Miyuka pondered. "Yeah, probably," he replied.

"Well, does his name sound familiar?" I asked. "Yeah," Miyuka replied, standing straight. "Densuke means 'electricity; lightning'," he said. "And he uses a lot of electricity to commit a crime," he continued.

"I thought you said you never heard of him," I retorted. "I said I've never heard of him. Not never knew him," he blurted.

"YOU KNOW HIM?!" I asked.
"Sh! My stepfather is going to hear," he shushed. "What?" I asked. "He works here in his room upstairs. Sometimes downstairs in the basement. I never know why, he just does," Miyuka reasoned, with a little chuckle.

"Oh," I said. "Anyway, I've known him for some time. He was the one who crashed Rui's place when Rui was 6," Miyuka said. I widened my eyes. "Well, Densuke Fukuda is a very serious serial killer. He killed millions of people, creating dozens of mountains of human skulls," Miyuka continued.

I gasped as I heard what Miyuka said.
"He did encounter me once," Miyuka added. I perked up my ears. "WHAT?! TELL ME," I exclaimed. "All right," He said.


"I was 9 when all this happened," Miyuka started. "It was just a beautiful night. I had just gone through hell with my dad- blood-related dad and just got adopted."

"I was watching the moon as I cleared my mind. I then heard someone approaching me quietly, their footsteps getting louder with each step. Whilst I was facing the moon, the man grunted as he pulled my hair," he said.

"I grabbed his hand and tried to twist it but he whacked my head. The next moment I opened my eyes I found myself being dragged by this strange man," he chuckled.
"Wow," I gaped.

"Anyway, he grabbed his knife and aligned it with my cheeks, under my eyes," he continued. "Oh!"

"But don't worry, I moved as he sliced my neck. Here, let me show you," Miyuka said, putting down his shirt. I widened my eyes as I looked at the cut. It's going down to his collarbone!

"I—I thought I was going to die," he muttered, tracing the scar with his index finger. He covered it with his whole palm. "I was praying to Jesus," he sighed. "I already know I'm going to hell," he mumbled. "But I felt as if I was too young. As... if... I didn't want to die."

"But I lived so the end!" Miyuka said, bursting with joy. I deadpanned.

"What about Rui?" I asked. His face changed, going serious. "That's not my history to share," he said. "But I need to know!" I exclaimed. "NO!" He shouted.

Miyuka covered his scar with his palm. "You don't know what 'personal' means. Rui went through a lot that day. I wish I was there to save him... have me almost die... maybe fully die!" Miyuka said.

"What?!" I asked.
"Y/n," he said bluntly, "I'm not afraid of death. I'm willing to die anyway. If I get sick, then yes! I was living such a cruel life I just wanted to die."

"Do you still want to die?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied seriously.

"So you're suicidal?" I asked. He shook his head. "Doesn't suicidal mean you try to kill yourself? I just wanna die, but can't bring myself to do it. I fail over and over again." He said with an eye roll. "Why do you want to die?" I asked.

"Does it matter? I've learned no one's life matters in this world. We all come and go someday," he chuckled. "But... when I went through that deathly experience... I felt as if I had some right to live."

"Picture a flower. A flower grows, wilts, and dies," he said. I softened my eyes. "Some people think a flower is so fragile it means nothing to them. We are like those flowers. Our life is on thin glass. If anything happens to that glass to make it break, we die."

"We are like the waves too. Sure, they're strong. But a wave's lifespan is short. It just goes by and ends its life on the shorelines," he sighed. "Our life is short, Y/n," he said.

"And I'm here just to be here. I have no sole purpose to be here," he said. I frowned. That's a lie. He made Megumi and Muchiko strong.

"But you made Megumi and Muchiko stronger!" I exclaimed, using Selena's real name. He looked away. "No. They made themselves stronger. I didn't do that," he denied.

"But... you have friends, family! What more could you want!?" I asked. Miyuka looked at me, no longer having black eyes. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth. "You... have crimson eyes?!" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "Isn't that a sign of bad luck?" I asked.

"Now, get out. Say bye to Megumi and visit sometime later," Miyuka said, ignoring my question.

I nodded.


After that serious chit-chat with Selena's older brother, I walked to my boyfriend's house. He texted me to come after visiting Selena.

I knocked on the door, seeing Muichiro open the door. "Oh, N/n," he said. "Where's Yorichii-san and Yuichiro?" I asked. "Out shopping," he replied, letting me in.


I hugged Muichiro as he lay on the couch. "Can I get a kiss from you? Or two?" I asked. He chuckled and kissed me lightly. "Hey!" I pouted. "You're so cute when you pout," he giggled. He kissed me, putting me on the bottom while he was on top.

We broke apart, and several saliva strings connected our lips. "I love you, Y/n," he said. I nodded, kissing him again. "I know, Muichiro. How many times do you have to tell me?" I asked.

"A million or more," he said.
As I hugged Muichiro, I thought about what Miyuka said.

' "Our life is short, Y/n",' I thought, replaying it over and over again.

'Life is short,' I thought, looking at Muichiro. Why do Miyuka's words mean so much anyway? Where did this idiot get his wisdom? His mom? Dad?

"I'm going to get some water, then we can watch some TV before your brother comes," Mui said as I nodded.

I don't know why... but Miyuka does have his wisdom.. why is the Mikszuki family so weird?

Forget it!

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