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"Please— *cough* stop—"



She fell to the ground, grasping her neck. She reached for the chair. She grasped the handle, struggling to get on. She wiped the blood off her face.

"You're still alive? I have to say, I'm quite jealous. You're just like your brother..."

She turned around and glared at the man. "You're lucky that you're behind thick glass. I would've bloodied my knuckles with your blood," she snarled. She then felt another jolting, agonizing pain. "GAAHHH!"

"Foolish girl. You're lucky that you're alive. I wanted Densuke Fukuda to end you at first sight. But NO. Your brother had to end him."

"Miyuka killed Densuke Fukuda?" She asked with shock. "Makoto did. Your father told me. Makoto ended him the night I kidnapped you."

"WHERE ARE TH— GAAAAHHHH!" She felt another pain by the shock collar, grasping the shock collar.

"Don't raise your voice at me." The man snarled. "You know your punishment."

"Stop! Please!" She cried. "GAH! URGH!"

"This is what he gets."

At school, I couldn't focus. I was worried. Selena is missing? This is so stupid. But why would she take off her earrings? She says she will never take them off. (After a few months because it might get infected.)

Social Studies ended, and it was finally lunch! But there was something on my mind. Should I tell my friends? I mean, I have the files, but would they believe me?

I saw Mui hug me and kiss me on the lips. "MUI!" He let go. "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning. "Don't kiss in public!" I exclaimed. "What? Why??? I love you!!" Mui whined.

"I know you do!" I laughed, kissing his nose. "I do too. But right now, we can kiss later."

Mui smirked as he held my hand. He led us to the table we usually sat at. "Hey!" Koyuki exclaimed, "How are you all?"
"Good," I replied. "Where's the others?"
"I have no idea," Koyuki replied.
"Guys, I have to tell you all something," I said. Mui tilted his head. "What is it, my little flower?" He asked. "Love all the nicknames. But, what is it?"

"Come. I'll tell you all after school."


I sat at the docks. Opening my backpack, I grabbed the files. "... guys," I said. My friends looked up at me. "Look what I got. Selena's files," I said, giving it to Rui. ".. where did you get this?" He asked.

"Someone gave it to me during the hockey game." I replied. "Open it."

Rui opened it, seeing everything I've seen that was on the first page. "... what is this...?" Koyuki asked, crawling to Rui to see the files. "Selena's files. This tells us everything that we did not know about Selena," I replied.

They flipped the page. Rui widened his eyes. "Missing?" He asked, his breath getting shaky. "MISSING?!" They all gasped in unison.

"Yes. I'm shocked, too. We went to her funeral and she's found mising." I said. "How do you know this is real? It could be a fake!" Rui exclaimed. "Then how would it explain Selena's earring? Behind the last page?" I asked.

Rui flipped the page, seeing a packet. He took it off, widening his eyes. He opened the packet. Out came Selena's earring. "... NO." He gasped.

"Yes. She's still alive," I said. Rui looked up with tears in his eyes. "But... how can she still be alive? She died of her tumor... I.. didn't save her.. how.." he muttered. Koyuki and Hakuji stayed silent.

"If she's alive... then where is she?" Muichiro asked. "I don't know. She's missing." I replied. "THEN WE'RE GOING TO FIND HER!" Rui shouted.

"But how? Being kidnapped in Florida means she could still be in Florida! And I'm pretty sure our guardians wouldn't want to go to Florida again!" Koyuki exclaimed. Rui then frowned.

"Then let's be like Scooby-Doo and solve this mystery!" Hakuji exclaimed, standing up. "I'm gonna be Fred, Koyuki is Daphne, and Y/n will be Velma, Rui can be Scooby-Doo, and Muichiro will be Shaggy!"

"I'm not the dog. I will be Shaggy," Rui scoffed, turning his head. "WHAT?! HELL NO! YOU'RE THE TALKING DOG THAT HAS POOR ENGLISH!" Muichiro protested. "NO! YOU'RE THE DOG!" Rui shouted.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. "Listen, we can worry about Scooby-Doo stuff later. We need to know where Selena is. But first! Let's check her grave."

"Okay—wait... you don't mean that...?" Koyuki asked. I smirked.

"Tonight. 8 P.M. we're going to dig a grave," I said. "WHAT?!" Muichiro asked. "What? It's the only way we can know if Selena is actually missing," I sighed. "We're going to jail!" Hakuji exclaimed. "Guys! Let's do this for Selena. She needs our help!" Koyuki exclaimed.

"I'm going." Rui said. "Besides, my life is boring as fuck. And that I want to be with her again.." I smiled. "Anyone else?" I asked.

"I'm going, obviously!" Koyuki exclaimed. "I'm going to do this for Selena! And like Rui, my life is very boring."

"Fine! I always wanted to do something insanely crazy!" Hakuji agreed. I looked at Muichiro. "Mui, honey?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, kissing my nose.

"Let's do this."

NIGHT >:] 》(insert some music when the main characters do something at night)

My friends and I met at the cemetery, wearing black clothing and shovels and flashlights. "Okay, guys. We ready?" I asked. They all nodded.

Rui and Muichiro checked out the surroundings by using flashlights. They gave the signal that no one was there. Koyuki, Hakuji, and I rushed out to find Selena's grave.

Rui and Muichiro found her grave. We rushed over to them, and Koyuki gave Hakuji and Muichiro the shovels. Rui looked around to make sure no one came as Koyuki and I gave light for Muichiro and Hakuji.

They started to dig, reaching the coffin that was six feet under. Lucky that Rui brought rope. Muichiro and Rui went down and felt the coffin as they tried figuring out a way to tie the coffin.

"What do we do?" Rui asked, whispering loudly, pointing the flashlight at us as he looked up. "Find the handles!" I replied, whispering. Rui and Muichiro nodded as they felt around the sides of the coffin.

Rui and Mui found the handles and told us to give them the rope. They tied the handles. I helped Mui up as Koyuki helped Rui up. "Rui! You're so heavy!" Koyuki whispered harshly. Rui scoffed. "I weigh 104 kilograms! That's lighter than an average 17 year old!" He protested quietly.

"Shut up!" I hissed. "Muichiro, Hakuji, grab two of the ropes. I will hold one on my own, and Koyuki and Rui will get the other ones."

We all grabbed the ropes. "Wait, we can't just pull it out! It's going to make noise!" Rui hissed. "I have an idea. Since the handles are on the cover of the coffin, we'll just use 4 of us to pull it off," he suggested.

We all nodded and decided to have Muichiro, Hakuji, Rui, and I to take the cover off. "On a three, two, one! PULL!" Koyuki whispered loudly. We all pulled together, having Hakuji do most of the work since he's stronger than all of us.

We all pulled together, and the lid came off. Koyuki almost got smashed by the lid due to the lid landing in the spot. Luckily, Koyuki moved away before it happened.

I used my flashlight and looked down. "Uh guys..." I said. Everyone looked down. "Do you think that the people would put the person that's dead all crumpled up? Or do they lay the bones neatly?"

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