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"I'm sorry, Selena," I said. "I... I didn't know... I'm sorry."

Watching the clock tick, I felt guilty. She was hit on the head. Ugh, I feel awful. I watched the clock reach 7:00. Dang. It's been that long?

I stood up, dusting off my skirt. I can't believe it.

"Y/n, I am going to find Rui, okay?"
"Okay, just come back in time for the fireworks!"

I can't believe I said that. I can't believe it. I should've come with her... oh God help me.
I looked at Selena. It's hard to look at your friend who's on her death bed.

"Selena, I'll come back." I said, leaving the room.

I exited the room, seeing Mui hug me right away. Feeling his warm embrace, I hugged him back. "Babe, you know... I am worried about her too," he said, rubbing my back.

"I know... it's just that... I can't believe I didn't come with her..." I sobbed. Muichiro kissed my forehead. "Sh... it's okay... everything will be okay..." he cooed.

"This is why you're the best boyfriend in the world," I sighed. He smiled as he chuckled. "I mean, you're the best girlfriend... she needs her boyfriend," he said.

I smiled as he snuggled his face into my neck. I love Mui so much. I kissed his cheek. "You think Selena will make it?" I asked. Muichiro nodded.

"I know she will."


"The fudge, man. Why would you do that?! Leave her, all broken and shit!"
"Calm down, Miyuka! It's not his fault!"
"YES, IT IS, MICHIKO!" Miyuka shouted.

Miyuka got a call about his sister and decided to get to Florida with his parents.

Miyuka glared at Rui. "The fuck is wrong with you, dipshit. You know that that's my sister, fucker!"

"... I'm sorry, Miyuka, it's my fault and I know it... if I was there I could've protected her and she would be safe!" Rui exclaimed. "WELL, YOU WEREN'T THERE, TRASH!" Miyuka shouted.

"Miyuka Mikszuki, calm down," his father hissed. "HOW CAN I?! THAT'S MY SISTER, FATHER!" Miyuka protested. "I know she is. But you cannot blame Ayaki. He wasn't there."

"That's the problem. Why did my sister pick up the trash you fucking are?" Miyuka asked Rui. "I don't know! But all I have to say is that I'm sorry!" Rui exclaimed. "I KNOW YOU ARE!! I don't care if you're sorry! Didn't you take that shitty vow that you would fucking protect Megumi?! You fucking broke it! Vows are important, you dipshit!"


"I WISH SHE NEVER HAD A BROTHER LIKE YOU!" Rui shouted back. Miyuka slapped him. "I wish you were never born, bitch," he said.

"If Umi lives or dies... I don't want to see your sorry ass ever again."

".. brother.."


"That's enough, sweetie... let's go see your sister, yeah?"

"Okay, Mother."


"Hakuji," Koyuki sighed. "I've been praying for some time now. Will they be okay?"
"Yup. Muichiro and Y/n are strong. Rui is better than that, and Selena is amazing. We can count on them," Hakuji replied. Koyuki smiled and hugged him.


Mei stood next to Selena, who was in her death bed. She smirked. "I never had the intentions to kill you... but seeing everyone's face... it sooths me..." she chuckled. "Soon I will tear your friends apart... and Muichiro will be mine."


"Hey," Y/n greeted, sitting on a stool. "It's me again. You know, I heard about your brother getting into an argument with Rui, and he swore a lot. I guess you were right, Selena. He is a fuck boy."


"But you know what? I'm glad you have a brother like him. I mean, he's kind of messed up inside, but I can see that he's got a big heart."


"If you're wondering about our class, Selena, they're doing good. I mean, your sister is hella worried about you, but who isn't, to be exact? I'm worried, too."


"So, today, I decided to talk to you about what will happen when you get back on your feet! I'm gonna smother you with my hugs, and so will Koyuki! Muichiro said that he would playfully scold you for scaring us all like that. Hakuji said that he would never back down from your bets ever again. Maybe Rui can tell you he's sorry, yeah?"


"... Selena? You know that we care about you, right? I mean, yeah. You chose a weird guy to be your boyfriend and chose the weirdest friend group. You are like my sister, that's the same age as me."





"Your thing... I feel like it's going to become a straight line soon..."


"Please don't die! We all appreciate you!"


"... okay. I'll leave you alone."


"How is she?" Mr. Mikszuki asked, looking down at Y/n. Y/n glanced to the side. "She is okay, I guess... I'm worried though," she replied, looking at Mr. Mikszuki. He nodded. "I know. I am as well."

Silence began between them.

"You want to know something funny about Megumi?" Mr. Mikszuki asked. Y/n nodded. "Did you know that she would wake up at 3 A.M. just to get ready for school? Then she would go back to sleep and wake up at 6," Mr. Mikszuki said with a smile.

"Why would she do that?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know, she and her siblings had always been a mystery. Like how Miyuka would have the most handsome looks when he was beaten by his step- I mean father. Or how Michiko can kick a ball and break someone's arm."


"When she was 10, I was playing catch with her and... yeah."


"They are an incredible set of siblings. Miyuka, Michiko, Megumi... I'm glad they came into my life. My wife couldn't have children, but when they were on our front porch... they just made my life better."

"I'm glad Megumi has amazing parents like you."

"I'm more glad because she has amazing friends like you. I know Megumi. She'll live and smile the way she used to," Mr. Mikszuki sighed.

Mrs. Mikszuki came out of the doctor's office in tears. Miyuka looked pissed as Michiko had her head down. "What's wrong? What did the doctor say?" Mr. Mikszuki asked.

"... honey, Megumi's brain is damaged. They need to do surgery on her," Mrs. Mikszuki replied, hugging her husband. Y/n's eyes widened. Her heart pounded.



"This is fucking stupid!" Miyuka shouted. "Why does it have to be one of my sisters?! Why can't it be me or someone else!"

"Trust in the Lord," Mr. Mikszuki hissed. "God made this happen for a reason."

"Dad, I understand. Why does it have to be her?"
" I do not know. All I know is that we have to pray. Hana, when does the surgery take place?" Mr. Mikszuki asked. "2 days. In 2 days. They will do surgery on her brain. Daisuke, remember the last time we had Megumi do surgery on her arm? She had hypovelmic shock! I'm worried."

"It's okay," Y/n said. "She'll live. I know she will! She has to!"

"... she has to..."

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