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I watched Yorichii drive us somewhere. I don't really know where we're going. Muichiro was sitting in the front, as Rui and Y/n were next to me. Hakuji was next to me. Poor Rui and Y/n. They are squished.

Yorichii pulled up on a house. "What's this?" I asked, tilting my head. "The Aoki residence," Y/n replied. "What? Why are we here?" Rui asked, looking out the window. "Because I did some research last night. The Aoki residents were partners with the Nakamura residence." Y/n replied.

"... do they know we're here?" Muichiro asked. "Yup." Yorichii replied. We all got out of the car and walked to the front porch. The house was super nice. Nicer than mine.

Yorichii was in front of all of us, knocking on the door. Someone opened the door. She had black hair, and it was straight and messy. Her eyes were silver. She wore a sweater and a skirt. She looked beautiful. "Hello!" She greeted.

"My name is Ayame Aoki. Call me Ayame." she said. "You must be my guests for today. Come on in. Make yourself feel at home." She left the door open for us, and we walked in. We all bowed once we got in.

"What are your names?" Ayame asked. "Yorichii Tsugikuni." Yorichii said. "These are Muichiro Tokito, Y/n Tomioka, Rui Ayaki, and Hakuji and Koyuki Shobana. They are engaged." He said, pointing at us.

"Oh, such lovely names." Ayame said with a kind smile. "Thank you," Muichiro said. "Wang something to eat?" She asked, walking into the kitchen. "No thanks, but may I have a drink?" Rui asked.

"Oh! Okay. What would you like to drink, hun?" Ayame asked. "Uh... just water is fine." Rui replied. I sat down on the couch with Hakuji and Y/n. Muichiro sat down with her.

Ayame gave Rui the water. He then sat down. "So, what do you guys want?" She asked, sitting on a chair. "We're here to talk about the Nakamura residence," Hakuji replied. "Oh. I don't know much about them. But, I know someone who does~" Ayame cooed, clapping her hands together. "Be right back."

She stood up and walked upstairs.

We sat quietly, waiting for Ayame. She quickly walked back downstairs. "Miyuka, you can come on down," she said. Wait. Miyuka?! I looked at everybody, seeing them have the same expression as me.

A tall man walked downstairs with a black shirt and pants, with gray-purple hair. He faced us with his heretochromia. His right eye was black colored, as his other was crimson. He looked taller than Miyuka. He had an earring that looked awfully similar to Selena's earrings. It was on his left ear.

"This is Miyuka Nakamura," Ayame said with a kind smile. We widened our eyes. "NAKAMURA." Y/n said strongly.

She was pushed to the room. "If you ever try to escape again, I will kill you." The man warned, closing the door. He locked it. The girl stood up and shouted, kicking the chair.

"UGH! FVXK!" She shouted. She banged the walls. "WHY? WHY GOD, WHY?" she asked, grabbing the chair. She tossed it to the wall. She grabbed it again and threw it to the wall, making it break.

"WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!" She asked, tears rolling out of her eyes. She knelt down. Sighing, she wiped away her tears. "... this is all just a big test," she said. "I'm failing it."

She then looked at the broken chair. She walked over to it, looking at the broken part. It was rather sharp at the tip. She widened her eyes and smirked. "Thank God." She said.

She picked it up. "Don't worry, guys," she said, taking a picture out of her pocket. It was a picture of her friends, including her siblings. "I'll come back."

Y/n stood up.
Miyuka (not the other Miyuka) tilted his head. "What did I miss?" He asked. "You're Selena's older brother," Y/n said. "Who's that? Do you mean Megumi? How is she?" Miyuka asked.

Ayame looked at us confusingly. "Okay.. let's settle down."


Miyuka sat down. "... You're Megumi's boyfriend?" He asked Rui. "Ex." He replied. "... so let me get this straight. You are here to ask me why I ran away?" Miyuka asked.

"Yes," Muichiro replied.
Miyuka sighed. "Well, I ran away because of force." He replied, "Jihs was an asshole and he wanted to kick me out because I protected Makoto." "Who's Makoto—oh wait yeah." Muichiro sighed. Miyuka continued. "So, before I left, I made a promise to 4 years old Makoto that he would use my name from now on because.. it suits him more than it suited me."

"... that explains something," Y/n said. "Why are you guys here?" Miyuka asked, "Besides talking about my runaway."
"... we need your help." Rui replied. "Megumi—she got kidnapped.

Miyuka widened his eyes. "WHAT." he said. Ayame gasped. "SHE GOT KIDNAPPED." He said. "BY WHO? THAT DIRTY BASTARD?"
"Chances are yes. We need your help to find her!" Y/n exclaimed. Rui stood up. "Please! I would never forgive myself if she died... I would regret everything."

"Please... please..."

Selena sharpened her wooden weapon. Since her hockey stick was taken away, she decided to stab. She looked at her hands. It was blistered thanks to the wood.

She looked up at the ceiling. There was a vent. This house was awfully big, so vents were everywhere. Thanks to Selena's small body, she can possibly get in the vents.

She ripped her clothing and took a ripped cloth, and tied it around her hands. She grabbed the wooden stake and looked at the ceiling again. "How do I get up there...?" She asked herself. She looked around.

"... maybe... I can..." she figured if she could jump high enough, she could open the vent. But how? She was puzzled. She looked around again. All there was an empty room with a broken chair. She didn't know what to do. That's when she smirked.


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