1 - her

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third person pov

summers were always hot and humid, not to mention interesting, in the city of philadelphia. always something going on, never not busy. not for Y/n anyways. study and work was not an easy balance, especially in an unfamiliar city. well, fair she had moved here three years ago and of course things were easier now, but she missed her old hometown. Philly still didn't seem to quite accept her.

the grueling hours spent working hard in the local cafe certainly weren't helping the woman's attitude towards it; days and weeks spent scrubbing tables, pouring coffee and wiping entitled strangers messes for under minimum wage. she took any hours she could get between college classes, studied in the back when things were quiet, all to simply make a below average living to keep her tiny apartment. she needed a more flexible job with good fucking pay, and right now hoped to god that she'd found one.

her eyes settled on the derelict door before her, dark green and worn with neglect, dingy sign above looking somewhat familiar. she'd been here a few times after long days with 'friends', vowed never to come back but however within a few days would be back by the bar, throwing back shots with the overly eager to drink and way to flirty barkeeper.
Paddy's Pub.

a neon 'closed' sign lit the window in a harsh luminous blue as it had every day since Y/n arrived, though always seemed to be open and running nonetheless. though, pushing the door open and walking in, it seemed almost empty aside from a couple of old alcoholics passed out and precariously hanging from old stools. expected, considering it was 11:30 am.

it was cool in there, much more so than the hot summer sun of the outside that beat down everyday since may. she raised her sunglasses to rest atop her head, slowly but surely adjusting to the darkness of the bar as she stepped forward cautiously.

only then did she notice the small cluster of about four people gathered at the opposite end of bar top, two behind and two seated on stools. how she'd only noticed them now she'd never know, as they were basically screaming in a loud clamor to and over each other, clearly not one of them listening to what the other had to say. what a great way to start the day.

she allowed a harsh sigh to escape her mouth before making her way over, mind going over and over in circles about what she would say. she needed this job, so badly. but the big question was, would they even listen to what she had to say over the sheer volume of their own voices? 

Y/n stood beside the loud group awkwardly, eyes scanning between the four. they looked like decent people, though of course looks can be deceiving.

a small hum left her mouth, throat clearing at a moderate volume beside them.
no response. great.


a hand slammed abruptly against the bar top. four heads snapped her way, frustration evident on each one as the bar was plunged into a deep tense silence. Y/n leaned against the bar top, bright smile spreading across her face as her fingers drumming lightly on the wooden surface. "i need a job."

frustration melted to simple blank stares, each one confused and unknowing. a voice broke the stiff silence after a few moments. "you're hot."

her eyes met with those of the man beside her, mindless grin playing on his lips. he was good looking, definitely, hair slicked back with a slight beard, grey tank top revealing a defined figure beneath. "..thanks?"

"shut it ronald. this one's hotter than you can handle, i would know- oh shit i know you!" Y/n's head turned to the man behind the bar, finger pointed at her accusingly. the overly amorous bartender. "yeah, you've come here before, right?"

"did you bang her Dennis?" the woman beside him asked in plain disgust. she was dressed fashionably, almost like Y/n in a way, mid length blonde hair cascading from her shoulders. her aqua eyes were lined darkly in black, and she wore a small frown across her thin lips.

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