5 - the drug scheme

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shrill ringing filled my ears, increasing in volume as i unwillingly came to my senses. half my body hung from the bed, other half sweaty and uncovered by the blanket which was strewn disorderly across my bare legs. i grimaced at the wet shirt clinging around my torso; of course the air conditioning had broken during just about the hottest time of year, and i unsurprisingly had no money to repair it with.

a harsh groan left my lips for the second time as my phone buzzed annoyingly on the bedside table, relentless and unforgiving to the fact that it was my day off. one class in the late afternoon, late night shift at Paddy's but i just had to be disturbed.

i raised a hand up, haphazardly feeling around through half-open groggy eyes until the familiar shape of my phone was found and lazily grabbed it. i pulled back, half opened eyes obviously impairing my sight at the sound of something smashing against the floor. this was enough to wake me up for good, enough to lose my shit as i answered the phone. "what?"

"good morning sunshine." the smug grin in Dennis's voice was evident. he enjoyed my suffering. "not a morning person?"

"go fuck yourself." i pushed myself up to a seated position, back resting against the wall where a headboard should've been. my eyes wandered to the ground where an overlooked half full glass of water- no, beer- had been obliterate by the hard wooden floor, curtesy of my hand. "what time is it?"

"8:00am, darlin'."

my eyes widened. "why the fuck are you calling me at 8:00am on my day off?"

"i- we need you hun. cmon, get down here."

a bitter laugh escaped my lips as i allowed my head to hit the soft, inviting pillow once again. "go fuck yourself, Dennis." i kicked the blanket from my feet in mild irritation. "get one of the others."

"they're already here. we need you, Y/n, you're our core, you're the-"

"will you hang up if i come down?"


i propped myself back up onto my elbows, phone held between my ear and shoulder. "great." a small grin crossed my face at the empty sound of a dial tone, instantly fading as i realized i actually had to get up and go do shit.

the phone dropped carelessly onto the mattress as i straightened up and stretched, legs swinging out of the bed. i lowered them, instantly halting with a yelp. smashed glass, sharp broken shards everywhere; other side it was.

jesus, it was fucking boiling. i mean seriously, all windows thrown fully open and it was still a fucking hot-box in here. i changed with leisure into a pair of old jeans and a dirty top on my floor and threw on as much deodorant as i possibly could to mask the fact that this boiling apartment had sautéed me overnight. a pair of flip flops would do for footwear, my handbag, a pair of sunglasses, and i was set to go.
"jesus christ. what happened to you?" Mac cackled as he laid eyes on me. i strolled past in a clear zombie-like state, opened the door and carelessly tossed my bag inside the office.

"shut up, twink." i strolled around the bar counter, head resting wearily against the grubby top.

"twink- dude i'm not- i'm not a twink, what the hell?" Mac laughed awkwardly, eyes wide and unblinking. "if i were gay- i'm not, because it's disgusting, not to mention a sin- but if i were, i would not be a twink. i'd be like a- a top, or a dominant-"

"does this one ever shuddup?" Frank pointed a thumb towards the man with a grunt. "and what the fucks wrong with you? ya look like shit."

i met Frank's eyes with a glowering glare. "the a/c in my apartment broke, i live in a sweat box, Dennis woke me up, there's broken glass on my floor, i've had to come in on my day off, and i'm tired as fuck." i rummaged in my pocket and pulled a cigarette box from inside.

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