18 - accommodation

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"you're staying... at Charlie's?"

Y/n pushed the ragged cloth around the glass in her hands with a small shrug towards the woman before her. "yeah? so what?"

Dee flashed an over-exaggerated frown and shrugged. "dunno:.. i mean, number one, Charlie's place is a shithole, and i mean a real shithole, man." she watched as Y/n placed down the clean glass and picked up another one without a word. "is your place really worse than that?"

"Dee, i'm in school; i need sleep," she sighed and placed the next clean(ish) glass down, instead rummaging through her pockets for something or another. "and i cannot sleep in a 100 degree apartment with no working shower, and no place to keep any food."

"and you think there's gonna be anything remotely edible at Charlie's?"

Y/n pulled a piece of gum from her pocket, unwrapping it as she glanced upwards at Dee. "i'll force him to go shopping after my shifts over."

Dee hummed in faux thought. "okay, well, number two; he only has one bed." her eyebrow quirked. "how's... that workin'...?"

Y/n's teeth worked thoughtfully on the strawberry flavored gum. "uh... lemme see, hmm... well... i'll probably lay down... and then he'll most likely lay down beside me and then uh... then we'll probably close our eyes and go to sleep. that's... how it's workin'." she replied with a simple nod, and continued on her seemingly never-ending chore of drying water-spotted glasses.

the blonde woman took a sip of her beer and rolled her eyes so far back her iris disappeared. Y/n smirked slightly at the woman's annoyance. "i'll stay at yours if you'd prefer?"

"...would've offered if you'd asked..." Dee muttered gruffly, suddenly very interested in the peeling label of her beer bottle. Y/n's smirk grew. "...you mad i asked Charlie and didn't ask you?"

the other woman's eyes shot up, incredulous expression clouding her face. "what?! are you kidding- no, absolutely...- absolutely no way... i don't care, whatever you- okay, maybe a little." she admitted with a grumble, eyes narrowed as she watched Y/n's expression turn smug. "don't get all fuckin' full of yourself, bitch. i mean, once you got there i'd probably want you out so..."

Y/n shrugged dismissively. "oh, fine... yeah whatever, i mean, Frank's probably back like tomorrow so i'll have to leave anyways, and i was gonna ask you but... maybe i'll just sleep on the streets or somethin' instead."

"you're a bitch."

"you're a bitch."

Dee couldn't help but crack a small smile. "fine, you can stay with me... but only if you fucking have too."

"great to see i'm a welcome guest!" Y/n exclaimed in response as she placed what was hopefully her final glass onto the overpacked shelf behind her. "thanks for the help, by the way." her eyes craned to where Dee was sat; on the other side of the counter, finger boredly tracing the neck of her beer. the blonde shrugged. "i deserve a break."

"i'm sure you do..."

"hey-o!" Mac strolled behind the bar, muscle memory instantly cracking him a cold beer.

"hey-o! where you been?" Dee questioned the man as he took a long gulp of the cool liquid. "oh, uh, just been out... and about. y'know?"

"pass us a cold one there, would ya?" Y/n nodded towards the bottle in mac's hand.

"out and about where?" Dee pushed, head resting atop perched hand as she pried into Mac's social life; otherwise known as the daily routine.

the man shrugged and pushed a beer in Y/n's direction, to which she happily accepted. "just out... doin' stuff, things and all that."

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