15 - piano lessons

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Y/n awoke as she always did; perspirating and boiling in a broth of her own sweat. she dared not blink her eyes open in fear of being assaulted by the harsh rays of sunlight that were cast through the open window, but nevertheless it seemed to penetrate through her eyelids. she squinted closed eyes and brought a hand to cover them, soft groan leaving her barely parted lips. it seemed the air conditioning would never be fixed, and she would have to stick it out in the heat forever. sleeping in shorts and tank tops wasn't enough to keep from roasting like a chicken on a hot griddle.

her limbs stretched, cracked, and curled up in their former comfortable positions once again; no morning classes was like a full holiday to Y/n, and she would absolutely be taking advantage.
or so she thought.

a few large thumps jolted the poor women awake, body shooting to sit upright as she strained her ears to hear the peculiar noise again, but alas; silence. okay, be logical, she thought, maybe it's a neighbor doing some amateur construction or something.

but, as the second bout of thumps sounded, louder and more aggressive this time, her shoulders seemed to almost relax. she audibly groaned- somebody was knocking on her door, with no regards to her once peaceful slumber.

reluctantly, slowly, she rose from the soft haven that was her mattress, and was instantly hit with another wave of heat. jesus, it really was a hot box in here.

who the hell would even knock on her door? she hadn't had visitors in god knows how long, and to be honest, she preferred it that way; she could keep her apartment however she wanted and not receive the unwanted judgement of others sticking their noses up at her living situation. though, now as she scanned the floor, adjusting her pajamas- shorts and a tank- to seem even a little presentable, she couldn't help but slightly grimace. okay, it'd gotten pretty bad, y'know: piles of clothed, both clean and dirty strewn every which way, open half finished cans of beer, trinkets, notebooks, homework and pencils tossed carelessly in any free space she could find.. maybe she could do with cleaning a little. but not now. she'd do it later.

meanwhile, the thumping seemed to have gotten even worse if that was possible, almost shaking the door from its rusted hinges. she picked her way through a pile of dirty(?) clothes and stood before the door, focusing mostly on the paint peeling from it; she should probably get on top of that, too.

the door failed to provide her with a peep hole, so it was anyone's guess who could be on the other side; a robber, a rapist, a cop.. though they probably wouldn't knock. only when a muffled voice shouted impatiently from the other side did she fully relax. "Y/n, open up!"

she quickly slid the chain lock open, and no sooner had she done this did the person fling the door open. Charlie stood beside her, bright innocent grin on his face. "you took goddamn ages, man." he made his way past without so much as a response, let alone an invitation inside. "i was sleeping, Charlie. what d'you want?" Y/n rubbed a sleepy eye as she lazily pushed the door closed. she turned slowly, though quickly stopped in her tracks. "why did you bring that- what is going on?!"

"uh, i'm teaching you piano? like i said yesterday?" Charlie glanced up from the large keyboard set haphazardly on Y/n's already struggling coffee table. she stared in uncertainty as the man groaned. "how d'you not remember, man?!" he stood from the couch to confront her face to face.

"you never said anything about this, Charlie!"

"i did-"

"no, you didn't."

"i did, i-," he sighed irritably, sentence coming to an abrupt stop. "i did, when we were talking, y'know, at the bar crawl, and you-"

"no. you started sayin' something, and then some guy called you over and that was that!" Y/n argued. she stared daggers at Charlie for many reasons; the fact that he didn't tell her, the fact that he woke her up, and the fact that he was about to break her damn coffee table.

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